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Peer Support

Struggling in one of your classes? Want help organizing your life? Looking for some fresh study strategies? If so, you have found the right place, and we are here to help.

Quick facts

All tutoring and academic coaching take place in person in HH 216. Study Sessions take place in the assigned classrooms (see the “Study Sessions” tab).

The first day to request a tutor is the typically one week after the semester begins.

The last day to request a tutor is Friday, March 22, 2024.

You will be matched with a tutor/coach within a week of submitting your request form.

You will be notified who your tutor/coach is and your weekly meeting time via your Calvin email.

Tutoring takes place between 8am–8pm on Monday-Thursday and 8am-5pm on Friday. Include all of your availability between those times for the best chances of connecting you with an available tutor.

You are expected to attend every tutoring and coaching appointment for the duration of the semester. If you need to miss a week it is required that you email your coach or tutor at least 24 hours in advance, or it will count as an unexcused absence. Acquiring two unexcused absences will result in the termination of tutoring services and multiple excused absences will result in the termination of tutoring.

If you have further questions regarding academic coaching or tutoring, please contact Emily Bosscher (