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Knollcrest East apartments



Are you ready for a bit more space and freedom than the classic residence hall options? Consider Calvin’s apartment options on-campus.

Knollcrest East (KE) is an on-campus apartment option for approximately 500 junior and senior students. The location of KE allows students to remain connected with the campus while allowing for a unique apartment living experience with peers. KE residents participate in fun traditions as well as weekly events.

Cost of living at KE

  • All apartments have been recently renovated.
  • Cost is approximately $4,650 per year / $2,325 per semester (2025-2026 rates)

2025–2026 KE application 

Please note: 2025-2026 KE housing is available those students with a High School graduation year of 2023 and earlier.

How to apply (Returning students only)

  • KE apartment applications are available now:
  • Applications are due February 2
  • The process will be slightly different than previous years. More detailed instructions will be available in January.
    • Each individual will fill out their own application as part of the general housing application for returning students.
    • After completing their housing applications, individuals can form groups with others they wish to live with in an apartment.
    • Students will have approximately 2 weeks to apply and form apartment groups.
    • Apartment selection will begin the first week of February.

*Applicants who do not have a full group (singles, doubles or groups of 3 with no paid for single) will be able to add roommates to their group using the new housing software capabilities.

KE Apartment Selection information

  • Note: Standard apartment capacity is four students.
  • Order of selection
    • Selection begins with groups of 5, then groups of 4, then groups of 3 with a paid for single.
    • Full groups with 2 or more people currently living in an apartment in KE are eligible to squat and select the same apartment. Requests to squat must be marked on your application.
  • Individuals and groups of 2 are strongly encouraged to match with other incomplete groups in order to apply as a full group.
  • Individual housing is available in the residence halls. 

Breaking an apartment agreement

Once you receive a placement at the KE Apartment Selection or later, your apartment agreement goes into effect.

KE apartment agreement

Full-time students who remain at Calvin may not break an apartment agreement unless given permission by the residence life office or Knollcrest East Area Coordinator.

If permission is not granted, the student will be charged full room and board for the duration or the agreement. If permission is granted, students will be charged a penalty ($200 prior to May 1 and $400 after May 1) for breaking the agreement. Permission will only be given for extenuating circumstances.

What comes with living in KE?

  • Partially furnished - bed, dressers, desks, shelves
  • Full kitchen including fridge, oven, stove, microwave, garbage disposal, dishwasher, table, and chairs (note that dishes, pots, pans, and utensils are NOT included)
  • Free laundry facilities
  • Eight month lease
  • Planned community events
  • Outdoor facilities - grills, volleyball, ice-skating
  • Many newly-remodeled apartments
  • Dining plans are available but not required
  • Free ResNet hookup, eduroam, cable T.V.
  • Semester leases for students studying abroad
  • Computer and study rooms
  • Reception desk located in the Theta-Epsilon lobby is open Monday - Saturday from 4-6 and 9-10 p.m.

Safety Services

  • Vehicles used by residents of Knollcrest East must display a valid Calvin University parking permit, obtained when use of the vehicle begins. Residents of Knollcrest East will be issued the appropriate permit and may park in the lots in that area or, if these lots are full, in the lot adjacent to the DeVos Communication Center.

    Knollcrest East Residents must be observant of signs designating short-term parking spaces and other parking spaces or areas reserved for specific purposes.

    Knollcrest East residents are not permitted to park their vehicles in the Fine Arts Center Lot at any time and other lots on the main campus have posted times when residents may not park. There is no parking on the main campus between 2–6 a.m.

    Motorcycles and all other vehicles with gasoline motors must conform to all university parking and driving regulations. These vehicles must display a valid Calvin University parking permit. Under no circumstance may they be brought into apartment buildings.

    Driving on sidewalks is prohibited, unless permission has been requested from Campus Safety or a Residence Life staff member.

    A complete description of university parking and driving regulations is available online or at the Campus Safety office. All students are expected to know and comply with these regulations.

  • The best possible security is to use caution and common sense. Apartments should be locked and outside doors should not be propped open. Thefts and the presence of unauthorized persons should be reported to Campus Safety immediately. For security reasons, the outside doors to the apartment buildings will be locked 24 hours a day. Student ID cards and a computer controlled access system will be used to unlock these doors. There is also a system for visitors. Residents can give building access to their guests by pressing 6 when guests call them using this system. Students should use caution when crossing the East Beltline. Only Calvin’s Crossing or designated crosswalks should be used.

  • Students who desire escort service to and from various areas on the campus may contact Campus Safety. A telephone is available near all parking areas. Students are encouraged to make use of the escort service and to avoid walking alone on campus after dark. Further information regarding safety issues is available from the Student Life office in the booklet entitled “Safety at Calvin and Beyond.” These issues will be addressed in residence hall programming in the fall.

  • Missing items which you believe have been stolen should be reported to Campus Safety. Students should be aware that theft does occur on Calvin’s campus. Although the incidents of theft and property destruction are low, it is always a good idea to exercise caution by locking apartment doors and car doors, by keeping valuables in a secure place, by not leaving clothes unattended in laundry rooms for long periods of time, etc.

    Although the university will use all reasonable efforts to protect students’ property, it is understood that the university is not liable for any loss. If applicable, students should determine whether their property is covered by their parents' homeowner insurance policy. If your property is not covered, you may with to purchase a minimum contents coverage policy.

  • If a fire alarm has been activated in a campus building, always assume there is a fire. Know the locations of fire extinguishers, posted evacuation routes, exits and fire alarm systems in your area.

    If you discover a fire
    • Activate the nearest fire alarm pull station.
    • Alert people in the immediate area of the danger and that they need to evacuate.
    • Immediately exit the building, closing doors between you and the fire.
    • When you are in a place of safety, dial 3-3333 and inform Campus Safety of the location and nature of the fire.
    If the Fire Alarm sounds
    • Walk to the nearest exit, closing doors between you and the fire.
    • Do not use elevators.
    • Assist people with disabilities with getting to the closest area of rescue assistance, which is in the stairwell area, past the fire doors.
    • Notify Campus Safety or fire personnel if you suspect someone is trapped in the building.
    • Gather outside the building at your designated assembly area and attempt to make certain all persons are accounted for. Stay at least 300 feet from the building.
    • Remain outside until notified by the emergency personnel or Campus Safety.
    If stuck in a room
    • Close as many doors as possible between you and the fire.
    • Place cloth material (wet if possible) around or under the door to prevent smoke from entering the room.
    • Be prepared to signal to someone outside at a window or by shouting at regular intervals.
    If caught in smoke
    • Drop and crawl toward an exit.
    • Hold your breath as much as possible.
    • Breathe slowly through nose using a towel or shirt as a filter.
    If forced to advance through flames
    • Hold your breath
    • Move quickly
    • Cover your head and hair
    • Keep your head down and your eyes closed as much as possible
    When to use a Fire Extinguisher
    • Only use an extinguisher to attempt to extinguish a small fire and only if you have been trained
    • An extinguisher can be used to suppress a fire that blocks your exit from the building.
    • Remember PASS, the four basic steps to operating a fire extinguisher
      P: Pull the pin
      A: Aim the extinguisher hose at the base of the fire
      S: Squeeze the lever
      S: Sweep from side to side