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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you are required to work with the Grants Office.

We can assist in searching for funding sources, offer feedback on proposals, help develop budgets, and manage the submission process.

Please complete the Intent to Apply for a Grant Form which helps us track grant activities across campus. Additionally, note that you are required to share a complete draft of your proposal one week before the submission deadline.

The Grants Office can assist you in finding funding and can notify you of grant opportunities that may interest you. If you would like us to watch for these opportunities, please email us so that we know what information would be most beneficial to you.

The amount of time needed to write a successful grant varies from project to project; however, you should plan on the entire process (from conceptualizing a project to researching the foundation to sending out the proposal) taking at least a few months.

Many grant applications will require a signature from an authorized institutional representative. At Calvin only Vice Presidents can sign contracts.

Indirect costs are those covered by Calvin while you are working on your project such as office space, telephone, and electricity. Calvin has an approved indirect cost rate. Contact the Grants Office for more information.

Contact a program officer at the funding agency. A phone call to a program officer not only enables you to find out if your proposal is "on track," it also gives you an opportunity to make a personal connection and learn about their institutional priorities and goals. The Grants Office can help you prepare for this call by identifying informed specific questions to ask and what a program officer may ask you about your project.

You should begin by notifying your department chair and dean, especially if your teaching load could be affected by the grant. If university matching funds are required for your project, you will need the approval of your dean before you can proceed. The Grants Office will be your resource for budget information, so it is important that you notify us early in the process. You should also contact people from whom you will need letters of support (or other forms of support documentation).

Remember that involving the Grants Office in the early stages of grant writing will benefit you by making the grant writing process easier and more manageable.

Yes, the Provost's Office has authorized an honorarium of up to $200/year for faculty proposals. The Grants Office needs to have a copy of your proposal in order to process this request.