Current Students
The FYRES 2024 class gathered near the top of a dune during Lab 1.
Meet the students in their research teams:
Elem Rottman, Sam Hagberg, Rhys Bedford, and Nathan Boersema, with FYRES Research Mentor Jordan Fridsma. This team investigated threats to Pitcher's thistle in a blowout at Rosy Mound Natural Area.
FYRES Research Mentor Cassie Demlow with team members Hope Gritter, Susannah TenHuisen, Jace Porter, Lucas Phelps, and Lilliah Engel. This team investigated the characteristics of succession on a Lake Michigan Blowout in Kitchel-Lindquist-Hartger Dunes Preserve.
FYRES Research Mentor Ruth Diepstra with team members Maia Peterson, Rebecca Evenhouse, Bethany Carlson, and Corinne Van Stratt. This team investigated Pitcher's thistle and sand fences on North Beach dune.
Linnea Pothoven, Kelsey Brunsting, Josslin Wright, FYRES Research Mentor Robert Joo, and Charlie Kuiper. This team investigated vegetation patterns and the effects of trampling in two blowouts. The team is photographed at Kitchel-Lindquist-Hartger Dunes Preserve; their other research site was Perseverance Dune at Calvin University.
Tyler Gerrick, Jordyn Holtsoi, and Emily Baartman, with FYRES Research Mentor Zachary Lindemulder (back row). This team investigated the impacts of building a boardwalk on a dune in P.J. Hoffmaster State Park.
Abigayle Seigneurie, Mary Claire Davis, Syann Benckhuysen, and FYRES Research Mentor Victoria Nation. This team investigated emerging dunes found along the Lake Michigan shoreline in P.J. Hoffmaster State Park. The team photo was taken after the Dune Research Presentations event at Calvin University on 5 December 2024.