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Time Entry

Time entry for hourly employees

All hourly employees and their supervisors submit records of time worked, using Workday. 

All time submissions must be complete and accurate:

  • Time should be entered on a regular basis – accruing with each shift worked.
  • Time recorded as worked must equal actual time worked.
  • Time entries must be submitted by the employee and approved by their supervisor.
  • Time worked (not including paid time off) over 40 hours in one week is paid as overtime.
    • Overtime must be approved in advance.
  • Time off (PTO, holiday, jury duty, etc.) must be requested and approved via Time Off in Workday
  • Premium pay (overtime, holiday time worked and on-call time) must be clearly recorded.
  • Chapel break and Healthy Habits lunch extensions may be recorded as time worked.

Employees must complete and electronically sign off on their time entries by 12:00 p.m. (noon) on the Monday following the end of each pay period.

Supervisors must review their employees’ time submissions carefully, correcting or adding time as-needed, and must electronically approve their employees’ time sheets by 12:00 a.m. (midnight) on the Monday following the current pay period. Payroll will not be processed for an employee until their supervisor approves their time entry. All time must be submitted and approved in Workday. If neither the employee nor their supervisor is able to enter time-worked for a given time period, the hours can still be corrected, submitted, and approved in Workday retroactively. Hours entered for a previous time period will be paid on the next available pay period after approval.

For more information about time entry and approval in Workday, including instructions and video tutorial, please see the Workday@Calvin SharePoint resources page.