Climbing Center Rules
- Calvin Climbing Center is open only during program hours and when a staff person is present.
- All climbers must check in with staff person and be registered before climbing.
- All climbers must gain instruction, demonstrate to staff sound “palm down” belay technique, dressed figure 8 follow through knots, proper equipment use, and be checked off by a staff person before climbing.
- Before each climb, each climber must be checked for 1) figure 8 tie-in knot; 2) double backed harnesses, and (3) proper loading of belay device/carabineer by their climbing partner.
- Belayers will take out “rope stretch” to prevent “ground fall”.
- Climbers can climb “un-roped” (boulder) no higher than five feet; spotter and crash pads are recommended anytime feet go above three feet.
- Maximum number of climbers/boulders at any given time: 24
- No iPods or personal MP3 players; all music must comply with University policy and is subject to approval the approval of staff.
- All climbers and belayers will exercise behavior that maintains a positive and safe climbing environment.
- Only climbers who have participated and passed a Calvin Sport Leading course can lead climb at Calvin University. Please see a staff person to sign up for instruction.
- No food or drinks in the gym; water bottles are allowed.
- You must pass a safety check before top rope or lead belaying or lead climbing in this facility.
- Only staff is allowed to teach belay skills. All safety instruction must be given by climbing center staff.
- You must use a commercially manufactured harness that is subject to approval of staff.
- No skipping bolts when leading.
- The University reserves the right to remove any person from the facility at any time for any reason.
Contact description
(616) 526-7541