500th Anniversary of the Reformation
Commemorative Events and Conferences
Ongoing through Oct 14, Grand Rapids, MI: "Stirring the World: Printmaking in the Age of Martin Luther," Calvin Center Art Gallery, free admission; more details.
Oct. 1-31, Grand Rapids, MI: "Renewed in Faith, Word and Grace" Juried Art Show, Multiple locations. See website.
Oct. 16, 7 pm, Grand Rapids, MI: "The Life of Martin Luther," lecture by Dr. Jack Kilcrease, Our Savior Lutheran Church.
Oct. 17, 7 pm, Grand Rapids, MI: "The Reformation of Spiritual Formation," lecture by Jeff Fisher, Vos Chapel at Kuyper College; see event.
Oct. 18-Nov. 8, Grand Rapids, MI: “The Reformation: A Virtual Tour,” CALL class on the Reformation with Dr. Karin Maag.
Oct. 19-Nov. 16, Grand Rapids, MI: “The Reformations of the 16th century,” CALL class on the Reformation with Dr. Lyle Bierma.
Oct. 19, 20, 21, Grand Rapids, MI: "Reformation," musical stage production, Wealthy Theatre, see website.
Oct. 23, 7 pm, Grand Rapids, MI: "The Second Generation of Lutheranism and Lutheran Confessions," lecture by Dr. Jack Kilcrease, Our Savior Lutheran Church.
Wittenberg, Germany: "The Global Impact of the Reformation and its Relevance for Continuing Reformation," World Reformed Fellowship/REFO500, October 25-30, 2017.
Oct. 25, 3:30 pm, Grand Rapids, MI: Reformation Reflection Series, Faculty Panel I, Calvin College Meeter Center (Hekman Rm. 415).
Oct. 26, 9:30 am, Grand Rapids, MI: "Catholics, Protestants, and 500 Years of Preaching," Fall Preaching Conference at Calvin Theological Seminary, see website.
Oct. 26, 7 pm, Grand Rapids, MI: "The Role of Confessions During the Reformation," lecture by Dr. Lyle Bierma, Vos Chapel at Kuyper College; see event.
Oct. 29, 3 and 6 pm, Grand Rapids, MI: Ecumenical Worship Service of scripture, prayer, and song commemorating the 500th anniversary of the Reformation with Roman Catholic/Protestant participation, LaGrave Avenue CRC.
Oct. 29, 3 pm, Grand Rapids, MI: Common Prayer for the Ecumenical Commemoration of the Reformation, Cathedral of St. Andrew; see website.
Oct. 30, 7 pm, Grand Rapids, MI: "The History of the English Reformation," lecture by Dr. Jack Kilcrease, Our Savior Lutheran Church.
Oct. 31, 8:30-3:00 (break for chapel 10-10:20 and lunch 12-1), Grand Rapids, MI: Meeter Center Open House with Rare Book Presentations, Meeter Center, fourth floor of Hekman Library.
Oct. 31, 10 am, Grand Rapids, MI: Reformation Day chapel service, led/coordinated by the Meeter Center, Calvin College Chapel.
Oct. 31, 3:30 pm, Grand Rapids, MI: Reformation Reflection Series, Faculty Panel II, Calvin College Meeter Center (Hekman Rm. 415).
Nov. 1, 10 am, Grand Rapids, MI: Reformation chapel service, led/coordinated by the Meeter Center, Calvin Theological Seminary Chapel.
Nov. 1, 3:30 pm, Grand Rapids, MI: Reformation Reflection Series, Faculty Panel IIII, Calvin College Meeter Center (Hekman Rm. 415).
Nov. 1, 7:30 pm, Grand Rapids, MI: Calvin Student Reformation Quiz Bowl, Calvin College Johnny's Cafe.
Nov. 2, 12:30-1:20 pm, Grand Rapids, MI: Calvin Seminary Town Hall Meeting Discussion of Why The Reformation Still Matters with Author Dr. Karin Maag, Seminary Student Center.
Nov. 14, 2:30-8:45 pm, Grand Rapids, MI: "50 Years of Catholic Lutheran Dialogue," Catholic Information Center.