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Chemistry Demo Field Trips

Enhance Chemistry for Your Students! Make chemistry come alive for your fifth and sixth grade students through a series of highly visual chemical demonstrations at this exciting program.

We are incredibly excited to offer the 2024 Chemistry Demonstrations this Spring at Calvin University!

You and your 5th and 6th grade students are invited to join the dynamic Chemistry and Biochemistry faculty, led by Professor Emeritus Larry Louters, for one of these eight, FREE sessions. Each 75-minutes session is filled with the flashes and bangs of chemical reactions along with age-appropriate explanations of the science behind the reaction.

Join us in the Gezon Auditorium as Faculty members from the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry engage students in several chemical experiments and explain the science behind the demonstrations at a level that upper elementary students understand. Our program offers a great opportunity to blend your classroom chemistry curriculum with a visual translation of these chemical concepts, leaving students with a greater understand of "how chemistry works" and a desire to learn more about the science.

Professor Louters is one of Calvin's most-beloved professors and presented at Calvin's high-profile January Series with the talk "Demonstrating the Wonders of Chemistry: Discovering God's Majesty in the Minuscule". Professor Louters earned Calvin's Professor of the Year and the Presidential Award for Exemplary Teaching. He was also recognized as one of The Princeton Review Best 300 Professors. His love for the field of chemistry is passed on to the upcoming generations of scientists and scholars through the annual "Chem Demos" program. 

Session schedule

Monday, May 6 Session A, 10:00 – 11:15 am
Session B, 12:30 – 1:45 pm
Tuesday, May 7 Session C, 10:00 – 11:15 am
Session D, 12:30 – 1:45 pm
Wednesday, May 8 27 Session E, 10:00 – 11:15 am
Session F, 12:30 – 1:45 pm
Thursday, May 9 Session G, 10:00 – 11:15 am
Session H, 12:30 – 1:45 pm

COST: Chemistry demo field trips are free of charge.

All local school groups and the home school community are invited and encouraged to attend.

Register Your Class To Attend!

Prior registration is REQUIRED for students and chaperones to attend a presentation.


Click the button below to register for the event on Friday, March 29 at 7am:

Register to Attend

We ask you to make these considerations when scheduling your class for a session:

  • Registrations are accepted through EventBrite only.
  • Be prepared with first, secind and, third session choice. Because of high demand, you may experience some slow-downs from the site during the process. Settle in with your favourite beverage and imaginethe amazed faces of your students as their minds are opened to the wonders of science with our professors.
  • Because of the high demand for this program, do not reserve more seats than you need.
  • If you serve more than one school and plan to bring classes from different schools, please register each school individually.
  • Each registration is limited to 100 tickets. If you require more than 100 tickets, repeat the process and complete a second registration.
  • You will receive an email confirmation for your registration.
  • Registration closes on Friday, April 15 at 4:30pm

  • Location

    Gezon Auditorium

    Student Comments on our Program

    "The experiments you did for us were amazing!"

    "I really liked it when you set the rag and methane bubbles on fire. That was the best field trip of the year!"

    "I'm really into chemistry now!"

    "My friends and I had a great time with the exploding balloons, glowing tubes, and fire."

    "My favorite part was when you turned the fire all different colors."

    "Thank you for letting me go on stage; the whole thing was cool!"

    "I didn't know that things can burn but not REALLY be burned because of how chemistry works..."

    Contact Information

    Katherine Pasma

    Katherine Pasma

    Department Administrator
    Full profile