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Knollcrest Music Camp



For over 50 years, Calvin University has welcomed students from West Michigan (and beyond) to engage in wonderful music-making and learning through Knollcrest Music Camp (KMC). This summer experience promotes the musical, social, and spiritual growth of young musicians by helping them find their place within the amazing field of music. Led by Calvin faculty and other outstanding music educators, Knollcrest Music Camp inspires personalized artistic development through formative, practical opportunities within an enriching, inclusive community.

Visit for information about other summer camps offered at Calvin.

High School Week

Dates: July 14-18, 2025, 8:30am—3:30pm
Cost: $325 ($350 after June 30)
Eligibility: Any student entering grades 9-12
Registration: Online registration opens on March 1

Students must have at least two years of musical experience and bring their own instruments. KMC does not supply instruments.

Apply for High School Week

Primary Ensembles: All students must participate in one of the following:

  • Choir
  • Concert Band
  • String Orchestra

Secondary Ensembles: Students may choose to participate in another ensemble, such as

  • Jazz Band: A performance group comprised of saxophones, trumpets/cornets, trombones, baritones/euphoniums, drum set (experience required), electric guitar, electric or string bass, and piano. Guitar, bass, and piano players must be able to read music well and be comfortable reading chord notation. Rhythm section instrumentation is limited to two students per instrument, and is assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Music Theatre: A group experience that involves singing, dancing, and acting to produce selections from a well-known musical. Students are required to provide their own costumes. No student instrumentalists are used. Music Theatre is limited to the first 60 applicants.

Friday Evening Performance: High School Week concludes with a concert performance featuring all Primary and Secondary Ensembles.

Students participating in only a Primary Ensemble will choose to take elective classes.

Elective classes are organized according to main categories of interest. While students are permitted to prioritize their elective interests, it is recommended that they enroll in as many classes within the same category as possible. Elective classes are offered and scheduled based upon student interest.

  • Conducting: Students learn about what it takes to lead a musical ensemble effectively. Students will engage in a variety of activities, such as observing different conductors, learning basic patterns, and leading the class through musical examples.
  • Handbell Ensemble
    • Beginning (0-1 year of experience): Students with limited experience learn basic ringing techniques. Students must be able to read music well.
    • Intermediate (2 or more years of experience): Students with preliminary experience build upon fundamentals by learning more difficult ringing techniques through rehearsal and performance.
  • West African Drumming: Students learn and experience West African percussion through active participation in a hand-drumming ensemble. Students will be exposed to authentic folk music, group composition, and improvisation. No previous experience is required, and no reading of musical notation is involved. Drums are provided. Class size is limited to 10 students.
  • Music Major 101: Students interested in pursuing a music degree will engage in activities to help develop fundamental skills in music theory, composition, history, and technology. Students will learn about the “building blocks” of tonal music (scales, intervals, key signatures, chords, tonality, rhythm, and melody) through interactive class sessions and small composition assignments. Students will engage in a broad survey of Western music history, and even learn about available music technology applications. This course will be held during two elective class periods. Class size is limited to 12 students.
  • Chamber Music: Students learn to rehearse and perform in a small ensemble setting. Students will be divided into appropriate ensembles and coached on the intricacies of chamber music performance. For woodwinds, brass, and strings only.
  • Guitar
    • Beginning Guitar (0-1 year of experience): Students with limited experience learn basic guitar techniques and notation in a group setting. Students must provide their own guitars. Class size is limited to 8 students.
    • Intermediate Guitar (2 or more years of experience): Students with preliminary guitar experience build upon fundamentals by learning more difficult techniques in a group setting. Students must provide their own guitars.
  • Piano
    • Beginning Piano (0-1 year of experience): Students with limited experience learn basic keyboard skills in a group setting. Class size is limited to 10 students.
    • Intermediate Piano (2 or more years of experience): Students with preliminary piano experience receive coaching on pieces they are currently studying. Students also have the opportunity to perform as soloists and as part of the class ensemble. Class size is limited to 10 students.
  • Voice: Students work with a professional vocalist in a studio setting to develop and improve tone production and technique. Students are exposed to a variety of exercises and repertoire.
  • Music in Movies: Students explore and experience how music advances the story, describes characters, and creates emotional reactions in the latest blockbuster films.

Afternoon Assembly Sessions:

Students will have the opportunity to choose among varied assembly sessions, relevant topics that encourage them to interactively explore different musical areas. Some sessions might even be devoted to faculty-led masterclasses in each performance area. Students can indicate their interest to participate in a masterclass session when completing their online registration. Masterclass performers will be selected by KMC faculty and notified by July 8.

Private Lessons:

All high school students have the opportunity to schedule a 30-minute lesson with a member of the Calvin music faculty. Lessons will be held immediately before or after the camp day (depending upon faculty availability). Lessons will be scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis. Students registered for a private lesson will then be charged an additional $30 fee. Students can indicate their interest in scheduling a private lesson during High School Week when completing their online registration. Upon confirmation of the scheduled lesson, the additional fee will be assessed and then collected separately from tuition.

Honors Collaborative:

KMC offers an additional opportunity for those students interested in focusing more deeply in their area of performance. Honors students are selected by KMC faculty and assigned to an appropriate small ensemble with classical or jazz emphasis. Students involved in the Honors Collaborative are expected to participate in the Primary Ensemble (Choir, Concert Band, or String Orchestra) of their honors emphasis. Any exceptions will be determined by KMC faculty.

All honors ensembles (except the Jazz Combo) meet during the elective classes block of the camp day for rehearsal and faculty coaching. The Jazz Combo will meet during 8th hour (3:35-4:20pm) each day. All Honors Ensembles will perform for their peers at the Friday afternoon assembly.

Students interested in the Honors Collaborative must submit a video recording along with their online KMC application. Application materials include a prepared piece, designated technical elements (scales, vocalizes), and an assigned etude. Specific audition requirements are available on the KMC website. The deadline for all Honors Collaborative applications (which must include a recording) is June 30. Students with incomplete or late applications will not be considered.

General Instructions

Percussion—Timpani, Mallets, Snare

General Instructions
(mp3) Blues in F

Alto Saxophone
Tenor Saxophone
Baritone Saxophone

General Instructions


Middle School Week

Dates: July 21-25, 2025, 8:30am—2:30pm
Cost: $300 ($325 after June 30)
Eligibility: Any student entering grades 7-8
Registration: Online registration opens on March 1

Students must have at least one year of musical experience and bring their own instruments. KMC does not supply instruments.

Apply for Middle School Week

All students must participate in one ensemble. Students may choose to participate in a second ensemble or take elective classes.

  • Choir
  • Concert Band
  • Jazz Band: A performance group comprised of saxophones, trumpets/cornets, trombones, baritones/euphoniums, drum set (experience required), electric guitar, electric or string bass, and piano. Guitar, bass, and piano players must be able to read music well and be comfortable reading chord notation. Rhythm section instrumentation is limited to two students per instrument, and is assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Music Theatre: A group experience that involves singing, dancing, and acting to produce selections from a well-known musical. Students are required to provide their own costumes. No student instrumentalists are used. Music Theatre is limited to the first 65 applicants.
  • String Orchestra

Friday Evening Performances: Middle School Week concludes with two concert performances featuring all ensembles. The concert schedule will be determined by the beginning of camp.

All students must participate in one ensemble. Students may choose to participate in a second ensemble or take elective classes. Elective classes are offered and scheduled based upon student interest.


  • Brass Techniques: Students with brass instrument experience build upon fundamental skills in a group setting.
  • Chamber Music: Students learn to rehearse and perform in a small ensemble setting. Students will be divided into appropriate ensembles and coached on the intricacies of chamber music performance. For woodwinds, brass, and strings only.
  • Clarinet Choir: Students learn about, rehearse, and perform music written for clarinet ensemble. Proper breathing, playing position, embouchure, intonation, and fingerings will be addressed. Students may also be exposed to other instruments of the clarinet family.
  • Flute Choir: Students learn about, rehearse, and perform music written for flute ensemble in 3-6 parts. Proper breathing, embouchure, intonation, and high note fingerings will be addressed. Students may also be exposed to alto and bass flutes.
  • Guitar
    • Beginning Guitar (0-1 year of experience): Students with limited experience learn basic guitar techniques and notation in a group setting. Students must provide their own guitars. Class size is limited to 8 students.
    • Intermediate Guitar (2 or more years of experience): Students with preliminary guitar experience build upon fundamentals by learning more difficult techniques in a group setting. Students must provide their own guitars.
  • Percussion Techniques: Students with percussion experience build upon fundamental skills in a group setting.
  • Piano
    • Beginning Piano (0-1 year of experience): Students with limited experience learn basic keyboard skills in a group setting. Class size is limited to 10 students.
    • Intermediate Piano (2 or more years of experience): Students with preliminary piano experience receive coaching on pieces that they are currently studying. Students also have the opportunity to perform as soloists and as part of the class ensemble. Class size is limited to 10 students.
  • String Techniques: Students with string instrument experience build upon fundamental skills in a group setting.
  • Voice: Students work with a professional vocalist in a studio setting to develop and improve tone production and technique. Students are exposed to a variety of exercises and repertoire.


  • Drum Circle: Students learn and experience African and Latin American percussion through active participation in a hand-drumming ensemble. Students will be exposed to authentic folk music, group composition, and improvisation. No previous experience is required, and no reading of musical notation is involved. Drums are provided. Class size is limited to 10 students.
  • Handbells: Students learn basic ringing techniques as they rehearse and perform in a handbell ensemble. Students must be able to read music well.
  • Music Theory through Technology: Students learn about the “building blocks” of tonal music through an overview of the basics of music theory (scales, intervals, key signatures, chords, tonality, rhythm, melody) by using available music technology. Class size is limited to 12 students.
  • Popular Strings: Students with string instrument experience have the opportunity to perform various musical styles, ranging from fiddle to rock.
  • Ukulele: Students learn basic ukulele techniques, like chording and finger-picking, in a group setting. Emphasis will be on playing popular music, and students will also have the opportunity to work on creativity projects in smaller groups. No previous experience is required, and no reading of musical notation is involved. Ukuleles are provided. Class size is limited to 10 students.

General Information

The information below applies to both High School and Middle School weeks.

Online registration opens on March 1, 2024. All participants must complete their registration (which includes Release and Waiver of Liability and Medical Forms) online. Registration includes a KMC t-shirt. A fee of $25 will be added to registrations received after June 30. The deadline for FULL refunds is June 30.

Participants are expected to attend class full-time. All students are also expected to perform in the Friday evening concert.

Students may bring their own lunch or purchase it through Calvin Dining Services. Boxed lunches cost $50 for the week and include a sandwich, chips, a fruit or vegetable, a treat, and bottled water.