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Apply to FYRES


Fall 2025 Class

Applications to be part of the FYRES class in Fall 2025 will open in March 2025. 

FYRES Research Mentors and Coordinator for 2025-2026

Applications to join FYRES as a FYRES Research Mentor or FYRES Coordinator for academic year 2025-2026 will open in January 2025. 

To apply to be part of the FYRES class: 

  • The application process for Fall 2024 is closed. The information below are for people curious about the application process. To apply for Fall 2025, come back here in March 2025 for updated information.
  • Complete the application to join the FYRES 2024 class. Send the link to the recommendation form to your recommender.
  • Applications are reviewed when both the application (submitted by the student) and the recommendation (submitted by the recommender) are received.

The Recommendation:

  • Applicants should ask an appropriate person to complete the online recommendation.
  • The person should be someone who knows the student's work, such as a high school teacher or guidance counselor. The person does not have to be a science teacher. The person can be a group leader, such as a youth group leader, choir or theater director or a team coach. The goal of the recommendation is to have someone who has seen the student in a learning or working situation provide some comments.
  • The applicant should provide the recommender with the link to the online recommendation form
  • If you are requesting a recommendation during the summer when timing is important, be assured that the timestamp on the submitted student application reserves a spot for application consideration. A reasonable target is for recommendation completion within a week of your request to the recommender.
  • During the summer, if you are having trouble getting in contact with the initial person you would like to provide the recommendation, then consider whether there is another person you can ask. (It is fine to make a change from what you listed on your application.)

FYRES Research Mentor applications are not currently being accepted. The application process for the 2025-2026 academic year will open in late January 2025.

Are you interested in being part of the FYRES project as a FYRES Research Mentor?

FYRES Research Mentors are paid academic-year undergraduate research students. FYRES Research Mentors work 10 hours per week in the fall semester, working closely with first-year students to teach them research methods and guide their fieldwork on Lake Michigan coastal dunes and/or on-campus at Perseverance Dune. In the spring semester, Mentors continue working on the research project (5-7 hours per week) towards a conference presentation and final report.

Necessary Skills, Abilities and Qualifications

To be eligible to become a FYRES Research Mentor, a student must

  • be a Calvin University geosciences major: geography, geology, environmental studies or environmental science.
  • have completed GEO 252 Geomorphology or GEO 181 FYRES (or both).
  • have prior research experience. Completion of the research project in GEO 252 Geomorphology or GEO 181 FYRES with a grade of B or better counts as research experience.
  • demonstrate academic ability with an overall GPA of 2.8 or above.
  • demonstrate potential for research and mentoring less-experienced students.
  • be available for the scheduled FYRES activities in the fall semester.
  • In Fall 2024, FYRES Research Mentors must be available for the weekly lab period on Thursday afternoons (1:15-6:15pm) and several GEO 181 class periods.

If you are interested in applying, but do not meet one of the eligibility requirements, either talk to Deanna van Dijk or provide an explanation in your application about why you should be considered for a position without meeting that requirement.

Application Process: Interviews and Notification

To apply for the position of FYRES Research Mentor, complete the online application form and provide a current (unofficial) transcript to Deanna van Dijk. 

After applications are received and reviewed, candidates who meet the eligibility requirements are invited to a short interview with Deanna van Dijk. The interviews are opportunities to further highlight/explore candidate qualifications and fit with the FYRES Research Mentor program.

Applicants will be notified by email about their application status.

FYRES Coordinator applications are not currently being accepted. The application process for the 2025-2026 academic year will open in late January 2025.

Are you interested in being part of the FYRES project as the FYRES Coordinator?

The FYRES Coordinator is a student who coordinates activities, outreach and data collection for the First-Year Research in Earth Sciences program during the academic year.  Responsibilities include providing logistical support, assisting with data collection and storage, maintaining the FYRES website, distributing research results, and recruiting students.  See the position description for more information.

Necessary Skills, Abilities and Qualifications

The ideal FYRES Coordinator

  • has prior experience with the FYRES program, such as experience as a FYRES student or FYRES Research Mentor.
  • must be in good academic standing with an overall GPA of 2.8 or above.
  • must be able to communicate effectively.
  • must be organized and detail-oriented, with an ability to follow directions for implementing required tasks.
  • must be courteous, prompt, dependable, honest and able to maintain confidentiality.

Application Process

To apply for the position of FYRES Coordinator, submit the following

  • your resume
  • a copy of your transcript
  • a cover letter describing your interest in the position as well as your relevant skills, abilities and qualifications

To connect with Deanna van Dijk, reach out at one of the places below

  • email
  • place paper copies in the mailbox at North Hall 079 (an envelope is recommended for confidentiality)
  • mail Deanna van Dijk, Department of Geology, Geography, and Environment, Calvin University, 3201 Burton St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI, 49546.


Email Professor Deanna van Dijk at

Sign up for email notifications for:

  • A reminder when the application process for FYRES 2025 opens or the application deadline is getting close.
  • Notification when new FYRES research results are posted on the website.
  • Notification when FYRES has upcoming events, such as research presentations in December.

Our goal is to send you the emails you want, and we will not use your email address to send you emails you did not ask for.

To sign up for email notifications, fill out this form which asks for your email address and the type(s) of information you want.