Download our constitution and bylaws to learn more about what we do and how we're organized.

Established in September 1996 by the Calvin Alumni Association, this partnership between the university and local seniors continues to grow, increasing from its original 230 participants to over 2,000 members today. Previous, CALL served persons 50 years of age and older, offering a diverse program of classes, day and overnight trips and activities to enrich its members on their lifelong spiritual, intellectual, cultural and social journeys. As of May 2021, there are no age restrictions to participate.

Participants need not have attended Calvin or any university before enjoying the benefits of a membership in this organization, which is affiliated with the Elderhostel Institute Network (now Road Scholar) and collaborates with other Institutes for Learning in Retirement (LIR.) Calvin history professor emeritus Robert Bolt, a past president of CALL, said, "In the early years, it was primarily Calvin alumni and retired professors who became members of CALL, but we are reaching out aggressively to become a more diverse community of learners." In 2020, less than half of our membership had an affiliation with the university.

In addition to serving its membership, CALL committees plan and present programs that are open to the public. Anna Sietsema was active on the area ‘travelogue’ committee when the films were still shown at the Welsh Auditorium downtown. Anna continued her enthusiastic involvement throughout the years that the films have been at Calvin. According to Sietsema, "we’re fortunate to land some of the artists and films that we do, but it’s because we have such enthusiastic crowds that these films continue to be offered." For a number of years now, CALL has sponsored the Passport to Adventure travelogue series with support from Witte Travel. All films are now shown in high definition. One film is scheduled in May 2022 following Covid.

Our Lectures at 3, previously known as the "Brown Bag Luncheon Series," is a free, one-hour series of lectures or programs at 3:00 pm on various days of the week during the fall and spring. Besides CALL members, Calvin employees and students, area high school classes, as well as retirement community and church groups enjoy these programs. These lectures are live in-person and online.

If you are interested in becoming a member of CALL, please complete the online membership form.
If you have questions, please contact the CALL office at 616-526-8777 or