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Bracing for Impact: Wind Expert says Hurricane Debris Poses Serious Threat

For 30 years, Professor Fred Haan has been studying wind’s effect on structures. His research primarily involves the wind tunnel testing of buildings and structures both for hurricanes and tornadoes. In fact, he spent this past year on sabbatical at Western University in London, Ontario, considered to be the birthplace of this kind of wind tunnel testing. There, he gained a better understanding of the effects debris has during a high-wind event.  

Students Tasked with Designing Calvin’s Solar Farm

It’s the first day of class, students had just taken their seats, and literally within 30 seconds, Professor Matt Heun spoke these words to his Engineering 333 class. 

“The project this semester is we are going to design Calvin’s solar farm.” 

After a few-second pause, one student said, “sweet.” 

A few seconds later, another student started to clap, which spread slowly throughout the room. The room seemed filled with nervous excitement, something acknowledged multiple times over the course of the next hour.