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Calvin University Hosts Ninth Annual Summer HEALTH Camp for Youth

Tue, Jun 11, 2024

Calvin University's School of Health is excited to announce the ninth annual Summer HEALTH Camp. Established in 2016, HEALTH Camp (Health Education and Leadership Training for a Hopeful Future) aims to empower young individuals mostly from low socioeconomic and diverse racial backgrounds in Grand Rapids with the knowledge and skills necessary to lead healthy lives. It seeks to educate youth about various health topics and introduce them to potential careers in healthcare.

Expanded reach

This year, Calvin University is introducing its inaugural Boys' HEALTH Camp, tailored for boys aged 12-17. The camp follows a similar structure to the girls' camp, but with content modified to suit a male audience. This expansion ensures that young women and men can access the knowledge and opportunities that HEALTH Camp provides.

Adejoke Ayoola, dean of the School of Health, stated, "Health is not defined by gender. By introducing Boys' HEALTH Camp, we want to empower all youth, regardless of gender and healthcare access, with the knowledge and skills to prioritize their well-being and explore the vast possibilities within healthcare careers."

The original HEALTH Camp was born from the requests of mothers in Grand Rapids, who urged Calvin University's department of nursing faculty to educate their daughters about health. Since its inception in 2016, the camp has evolved into a significant annual event, continually expanding its reach and impact and becoming a testament to the community's commitment to health education and empowerment.

Equipping leaders

HEALTH Camp offers an engaging and educational experience for campers, covering various health-related topics such as mental health, nutrition, exercise science, and cardiovascular health. Throughout the week-long camp, participants engage in interactive sessions to explore cells under microscopes, practice taking vitals on simulation lab manikins, and learn about various healthcare careers through morning talks and career fairs.

This year, the organizers anticipate over 100 girls and 40 boys will attend HEALTH Camp, highlighting its growing interest and relevance in the community.

As HEALTH Camp enters its ninth year, organizers remain steadfast in their commitment to educating and empowering youth to make informed decisions about their health and future careers. The introduction of Boys' HEALTH Camp further underscores the School of Health's dedication to inclusivity and excellence in health education. HEALTH Camp inspires the next generation of health-conscious leaders through engaging activities, expert-led sessions, and exposure to healthcare careers, ensuring a diverse and inclusive learning environment for all participants.

