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Lean In

Tue, Aug 15, 2023

I recall an old Calvin alumni adage that suggested putting a “Calvin Alumni” bumper sticker on the back of your car pretty much guaranteed roadside assistance if you were ever in need. I’d like to think that adage is still true.

In many of my conversations during gatherings this past year, a common story often emerged about how the Calvin network provided alumni with all sorts of meaningful opportunities and personal interactions around the world.

In Atlanta I talked with local alumni leaders about ways to foster alumni connections in their area. It was energizing to hear their eagerness to help fellow grads however they could. Beyond strengthening professional connections with Calvin alums, the members of the leadership team pondered ways to welcome newcomers to the Atlanta area—from recommendations of good neighborhoods, to thriving churches, to interesting places to explore in the metro area. The leaders generated fabulous ideas.

We heard a similar tale about a reunion in Malaysia. In fact, you’ll see a photo of the group in the class notes section. Not everyone who gathered that day knew each other, yet their shared tie to the Calvin network built new relationships and connections. Being a Calvin graduate means many things, and fostering and utilizing Calvin networks around the world is certainly one of them.

I encourage each of us to lean in just a bit more and live into our shared Calvin network. Follow Calvin on social media, join our LinkedIn groups, attend some events, and be willing to respond to fellow Calvin grads seeking connection or advice. The value and strength of our Calvin diplomas grows when we take that one extra step to be a resource to fellow alumni in any way that we can.

That said, we hope the stories and photos in this issue provide that added “spark” for each of us to renew those cherished connections with our alma mater and fellow alumni.

You’ll read fascinating profiles of alumni using their education and gifts in a broad range of fields, including artificial intelligence, business, theater, and geophysics. You’ll get a global perspective on alums following God’s call to renew their “square inches” across six continents. And you’ll also see snippets of alumni gatherings happening all around the world—more examples of networks in motion.

It’s a big world, full of opportunities and challenges. Let’s each do our part to be engaged Calvin alumni. In doing so, we not only help each other, but we also demonstrate to prospective students around the world why being a Calvin alum means so much more than just having a diploma!