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What we do

Sexuality programming and support at Calvin aims to give students (and the broader Calvin community) the tools to navigate this complexity – whether it’s providing good information about sex and our bodies, learning how to have healthy dialogue about contentious issues, fostering a culture where students feel free to ask questions and explore ideas, or creating safe spaces where students can find support and community. Through events, student groups, mentoring, and collaboration between offices and departments, the Calvin community is provided with opportunities consider what it means to think deeply, act justly, and live wholeheartedly in relation to our bodies and our relationships.

“Calvin aspires to encourage the free exchange of ideas and frequently question either/or thinking. We view the engagement of various tensions as vital to the Reformed project. We believe that this work sharpens our convictions and helps us gain greater understanding of both God and his world. Our mutual understanding grows when we listen to one another well and leave with deeper understandings of the issues and each other.”

-- Calvin’s “Freedom of Expression” statement

Sexuality Series

The Sexuality Series is an ongoing program of events at Calvin that explores issues of sexuality and gender from a Christian perspective. 

The series promotes biblically faithful thinking and living amidst the complexity of these topics and of our own lives. We aim to help students live wisely, with honesty and grace, glorifying God in our bodies, minds and loves.

The series develops its own programming and collaboratively plans events with other departments. The coordinator of the series is a part of the Student Life Division and is served by an advisory committee of faculty and staff as well as a student advisory team.

  • To help students develop a Christian approach to sexuality, gender, and relationships.
  • To promote students’ physical and emotional safety, both in terms of relational health and campus climate.
  • To promote chastity in singleness, dating, and marriage.
  • To promote respect for all people as image-bearers of God regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.
  • To foster space for respectful campus dialogue on sexuality topics.
  • To encourage the pursuit of justice in our own lives, in the church and in the world concerning sexuality, gender, and relationships.

Upcoming Events

Calvin University south-facing aerial view showing Commons Lawn


These are some on-campus resources available for students:

  • Safer Spaces
  • Sexual Offense Resources
  • Center for Counseling and Wellness
  • Health Services
  • Gender Studies
  • Hekman Library Guide


Calvin Crossings bridge connecting to the DeVos Communication Building

SAGA (Sexuality and Gender Awareness)

SAGA is a community of LGBTQIA+ students and allies who gather weekly for community-building and learning. 

Multiple events throughout the year seek to foster inclusivity and belonging in the Calvin community. 

Find out more about SAGA

LBGTQ+ and Calvin: Frequently Asked Questions

Calvin University seeks to be a community where LGBTQ+ persons are treated with respect, justice, grace and understanding in the Spirit of Christ. We recognize the complexity of current issues around sexuality, same-sex marriage, and gender identity. The university desires to engage these conversations with courage, humility, prayerfulness, and convicted civility.

As the university of the Christian Reformed Church (CRC), Calvin holds to the position of the CRC on human sexuality, articulated in 1973, 2002, and 2021. That is to say, while affirming that physical sexual intimacy has its proper place in the context of heterosexual marriage, we believe that homosexual orientation is not a sin, and we strive to love our gay, lesbian, and bisexual students as ourselves, as God expects of us.

Some key aspects of the CRC’s and Calvin’s understanding of homosexuality are:

  • God loves all people unreservedly and unconditionally.
  • The fall affects all people and corrupts all human relationships.
  • To the best of our knowledge, sexual behavior is chosen; sexual orientation is not.
  • Being attracted to persons of the same sex is not culpable or sinful.
  • Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people—like all people—are created in God's image and, as valued members of the human family, should be treated with respect, grace, understanding and love.
  • Chastity is the biblical pattern for ordering the sexual dimension of our lives, and honors sexual relations as having their proper place in a marriage relationship between a man and a woman.
  • All Christians, regardless of sexual orientation, can live lives that exemplify the fruits of the Spirit, turning away from temptation and embodying love, kindness, gentleness and mercy.
  • When we sin by misusing our sexuality, we can receive abundant forgiveness and grace through our Savior Jesus Christ.

Calvin University is committed to performing all of our tasks as a caring and diverse community. To facilitate this, we have developed a Safer Spaces policy to address any instances of harassment, discrimination and retaliation. Such acts are a violation of a person’s rights, dignity, and integrity, debase the integrity of the educational process, and are contrary to the mission and values of Calvin University.

Through staff training, peer education, and example we seek to educate students about the harm caused by disrespectful or flippant speech around this topic (for example, by the use of the word ‘gay’ as a put-down and by perpetuating stereotypes about how LGBTQ+ persons dress or act). Insults, slurs, and other forms of derogatory speech have no place in a Christian community. If students experience or observe any mistreatment based on sexual orientation or gender identity, they are expected to report it. A report can be made online, to any member of staff, or (for confidential reporting) to a counselor in the Center for Counseling and Wellness. In response to any reported misconduct, the university will take appropriate steps to eliminate the misconduct, prevent its recurrence, and remedy its effects. The university will review and investigate all reports, and provide for fair and impartial evaluation and resolution.

As God’s people we all need to be active participants in an authentic community of faith. We recognize that students are best supported if they are able to share their questions, struggles, and self-understanding with trusted others. Trusted others might include the Coordinator for Student Support and Sexuality Programming; resident assistants or other residence life staff; counselors at the Center for Counseling and Wellness; Campus Ministry staff; providers at Health Services; friends; and faculty or staff mentors. Wrestling with such difficult matters in isolation and hiding an important dimension of one’s identity from close friends and advisors may intensify stress and exacerbate anxiety. Yet we also honor and respect students’ requests not to share their orientation or identity more widely than they wish to.

On a practical level, living arrangements may need to be discussed. Residence Life staff are committed to finding appropriate solutions to housing needs for our LGBTQ+ students.

Single-user restrooms available to anyone are found in most campus buildings.

The student conduct code applies to all students regardless of sexual orientation. Proscribed conduct listed in the conduct code includes: conduct which threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person; profane or obscene expressions; and sexual misconduct including, but not limited to, sexual relations outside marriage, involvement with pornography, internet cybersex or other internet sexual misconduct.

SAGA (Sexuality and Gender Awareness) is a support and peer education group sponsored by Student Life. SAGA is a community for LGBTQ+ identifying students, allies and others who simply want to know more about gender identity and sexuality topics. SAGA seeks to educate the campus about the unique issues faced by LGBTQ+ students. It also provides a supportive community through discussion and social activities. The Sexuality Series, Residence Life, and other departments often work in partnership with SAGA to host events that educate students and create a safer and more hospitable campus. Jodi VanWingerden, Coordinator for Student Support and Sexuality Programming, is the staff advisor for SAGA, and is available to all students for mentoring, conversation, and support.

The Center for Counseling and Wellness offers a support group called Without Shame where students can explore questions related to sexual and/or gender identity in a safe, confidential, and agenda-free space.

Members of these groups are not pressured to adopt a particular position; rather, as the CRC has advised, we are “creating a fellowship of mutual honesty, caring and support” (2002 Synodical Report). We are deeply devoted to dialogue, educational growth, and understanding between community members in the Spirit of Christ.

Sexuality and gender are addressed in various courses in several academic departments. Students are always encouraged to ask questions and participate fully in class. Where extended discussion of any disputed matter is called for, faculty are committed to approach the topic from a biblical perspective, taking all relevant viewpoints into account. Being at the crossroads of ideas is vital if we are to offer our students an education that is Christian, Reformed, and constructively engaged with the complexities of the world we live in. Such an environment enables students to be agents of renewal in the church, the academy, and in society, in keeping with Calvin’s mission.



Jodi VanWingerden

Coordinator for Student Support and Sexuality Programming