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Internet of Things Meets Building Energy Efficiency


Curtis Kortman and Professor Heun researched how the Internet of Things, an idea where all devices are connected and share information, could be used to improve building energy efficiency.

<p><strong>Professor Matt Heun and Curtis Kortman</strong></p>
<p>In summer&nbsp;2015,<span>&nbsp;Curtis Kortman and Professor Heun researched how the Internet of Things, an idea where all devices are connected and share information, could be used to improve building energy efficiency. The research focused on the development of a Raspberry Pi prototype that could be used to gather relevant environmental data such as light levels, temperature, and occupancy. To make the data useful, a web interface was developed so the data could be viewed remotely. Additionally, analysis capabilities were added to improve in the data&rsquo;s usefulness for decision making. The research project will be utilized by the Calvin Energy Recovery Fund, and possibly expand to the fall semester.</span></p>