No More Room
"Frightened and saddened by the looming threats of habitat loss, poaching, pollution, and the ultimate prospect of mass extinction, we made this book to explain to children why so many once-beloved creatures are severely reduced in number or no longer on Earth—there is no more room." ~Gabrielle, Hannah, and Leah
About the Book
"The inspiration for No More Room was a presentation by Dr. David Warners at Calvin during our January 2019 DCM (Developing a Christian Mind) course, Truth and Reconciliation: The Artist Response 1. Warners spoke of creation as a gift, valued not because it was bought or earned, but because God is the gift-giver. As grateful recipients of such a gift, we designed a children’s book for our end-of-term project to inspire future generations to protect and preserve creation.
We were challenged to consider our calling as Christians to restore justice and our ability as artists to use our work for this restoration. Through the words of Dr. Warners and by further exploring the effects of environmental injustice, we came to the undeniable conclusion that creation care is a fundamental Christian calling; it is not optional. However, the call to sustainability is not only a call to environmental stewardship and beyond, but also to acknowledge our interdependence with creation.
In his speech, 'Why, as Christians, We Must Oppose Racism,' South African Arch-bishop Desmond Tutu says that 'we are made to live in a delicate network of interdependence with one another, with God, and with the rest of God’s creation.' We hoped to reflect these words from Desmond Tutu in our own book, because the truth is that we depend on the Earth for resources, beauty, shelter, and nourishment, and the Earth depends on us for protection, care, and appreciation."
~ Hannah, Gabrielle, and Leah
About the Authors
Hannah Riffell - (English Writing) Plans to pursue a writing or editing career after graduation
Gabrielle Eisma - (Writing and Studio Art) Plans to illustrate for young adult and children's literature
Leah Knoor - (Biology and Biochemistry) Plans to pursue a career in microbiological research
More Information
If you would like to engage the topic of our role in creation care and how to live in ways that promote a flourishing nonhuman creation, we invite you to read Beyond Stewardship: New Approaches to Creation Care, edited by David Warners and Matthew Heun (Grand Rapids, MI: Calvin College Press, 2019). Calvin College Press is supported by the Calvin Center for Christian Scholarship.
Special thanks to Dr. Debra Buursma, for her years of scholarship on cross-disciplinary arts collaboration work and for her development of the DCM: Truth and Reconciliation: The Artist Response 1 course which makes this and many other collaborative justice projects possible. Gratitude also to Professor Jo-Ann Van Reeuwyk, for her development and support of the Artist Collaborative program, courses, and structure. To learn more about No More Room, the creative process behind the book, and the Artist Collaborative program, contact Artist Collaborative Coordinator, Brent Williams.
You can read the full book here: No More Room.pdf