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Independent Studies and Tutorials

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Calvin University provides the opportunity to do independent research or reading when students have demonstrated their competence in the academic discipline involved and have shown the ability to study on their own initiative. It must be approved by the instructor directing the study, his/her department chair and the registrar’s office. It must be subject to the supervision of the instructor during that term. When completed, the course must be given a regular semester letter grade. It shall carry credit of 1 to 4 semester hours. No more than 8 semester hours of such study may be applied toward graduation requirements. Because such projects require considerable time of the instructor as well as of the student, instructors are not obligated to approve an independent study and are expected to limit the number of students accepted.

To be eligible to register for a regular course on a tutorial basis a student must: hold junior, senior, or graduate status; have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0; and have completed all of the prerequisites for the course.

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