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ISRx Research Lab

The ISRx, a 4,450-square-foot wet lab constructed on the ground floor of the Science Building with a $951,150 Academic Research Infrastructure Grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF), provides the space and equipment for collaborative research between the sciences. It is the home for several biology, chemistry, and computer science research groups.
Before, the people we were collaborating with were in different labs, which only allowed for a certain amount of cross-pollination. It’s really cool to be in the same physical location as the people we’re working with. Ryan Martinie, Biology/ Biochem major

The ISRx lab gives chemistry, biology, physics and computer science profs and students the ability to work together and collaborate much more easily.

The ISRx is the latest of the science division’s efforts to work across disciplines. “Science is about solving problems. Disciplines don’t solve problems. Scientists solve problems,” said Professor Tatko. “To train our students to solve problems, we need to train them to be flexible thinkers.”

Equipment in the ISRx

  • MALDI-TOF mass spectrometer
  • 500-megahertz NMR spectrometer
  • Apotome fluorescence microscope
  • Virtual-reality computer interface
  • Total internal reflected fluorescence microscope
  • Patch clamp single cell apparatus and associated microscope
  • Two high pressure liquid chromatographs
  • Real-time PCR machine

Want to keep reading?

More about moving in to the ISRx lab and the NSF grant.


42.93093, -85.58895

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