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Dr. Timothy Steele

Associate Professor (musicology)


Timothy H. Steele is associate professor of music in the music program at Calvin University, where he teaches music history and theory. He is a founding member and past president of the Society for Christian Scholarship in Music and was director of the Christian Voices in Musicology Study Group. His musicological research focuses on Latin psalmody of the Renaissance and Genevan Psalmody in twentieth-century Hungary.

In addition to teaching and research in music history, Dr. Steele plays early wind and string instruments and has directed the Calvin University Collegium Musicum. He has performed with and directed early music ensembles at Temple University, the University of Chicago, and Covenant College. He studied historical performance with Howard Mayer Brown (University of Chicago), Mary Springfels (The Newberry Consort), Mary Anne Ballard (The Baltimore Consort), Ben Harms (Calliope), and Lucy Bardo (The New York Consort of Viols). He is co-director of the Early Music Ensemble of Grand Rapids and contributed performances and arrangements to the CD Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179): Songs from the Abbey (Alto Productions, 2011), for which he also provided the liner notes, and the DVD Hildegard of Bingen and the Living Light (Linn Maxwell, 2012).

Selected Publications & Scholarly Presentations

  • "Zoltan Kodaly's Geneva Psalm 50: The Composer as Prophet in an Age of Crisis." In Exploring Christian Song, ed. M. Jennifer Bloxam and Andrew Shenton, 131-53. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2017.
  • Music. The Faithful Learning Series, ed. Jay D. Green. Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R Publishing, 2016.
  • Teaching and Christian Imagination (coauthor). Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2016.
  • "The Magyar Zsoltárok (Budapest, 1979) and Genevan Psalmody in Twentieth-Century Hungary: A Musical and Historical Overview." The Hymn Society in the United States and Canada, Colorado College, July 18, 2011.
  • "A Prosa, A Procession, and the First Printed Psalm Motet: The Anonymous Confitemini Domino quoniam bonus in Motetti C." 45th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan, May 13, 2010.
  • "Tonal Coherence and the Cycle of Thirds in Josquin's Memor esto verbi tui." In Tonal Structures in Early Music, ed. Cristle Collins Judd, 155-81. New York and London: Garland Publishing, 1998.

Honors & Awards

  • Calvin Center for Christian Scholarship, Major Grant, 2009. Project title: “Crisis, Justice and Peace: Christian Voices in Musicology.”
  • Council For Christian Colleges and Universities, Strategic Initiatives Grant program, Planning Grant, 2008. Project title: “Christian Voices in Musicology.”
  • Sabbatical Research Grant, Covenant College Kaleo Center, 2005.
  • NEH Summer Seminar Stipend, Brandeis University, 1995.
  • Julius Herford Prize for Distinguished Doctoral Research in Choral Music, 1993, Honorable Mention.


  • BMusEd, Music Education, Temple University, 1981
  • MM, Music History, Temple University, 1983
  • PhD, Musicology, University of Chicago, 1993