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Mrs. Susan Wilkins

Adjunct Instructor


Ms. Wilkins has had a nearly lifelong calling to education which began for her in second grade and has continued throughout her life. With a degree in special education, she was awarded the Vander Ark Student Teaching Award upon graduating from Calvin. After time spent as an elementary teacher in a local Christian school and a community education coordinator and instructor in public education, she made her way back to Calvin to supervise and mentor student interns. Building relationships is imperative for student interns as they enter the classroom, and it is exactly that principle that Ms. Wilkins carries into her practice as a field supervisor.  She has worked to write and revise assignments for EDUC 345 and is particularly passionate about leading seminars on the relationship between parents, guardians and teachers. As evidence of her passion in working with teachers and being involved in her children's education, Ms. Wilkins won a Volunteer of the Year award at their local school. In addition to supervising teacher interns, she teaches First Year Seminar and Introduction to Education.