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Dr. Sarah Visser

Executive Vice President for Student Experience and Strategy


Dr. Sarah Visser serves as Executive Vice President for Student Experience and Strategy at Calvin University, where she provides executive leadership for the division of student life, human resources, information technology, and institutional strategy. Sarah has spent nearly two decades working in higher education, serving in both faculty and administrative roles. She completed her Ph.D. in higher education at Claremont Graduate University. Her research focuses on diversity and change, exploring how institutions build capacity in the area of diversity. She has a passion for engaging scholarship and praxis related to social justice issues, with specializations in organizational culture and leadership.


  • PhD (2015) – Claremont Graduate University, higher education and administration - diversity and change, exploring how institutions build capacity in the area of diversity
  • MEd (2004) Azusa Pacific University, college student affairs
  • BA (2001)Calvin College, communication arts and sciences, English minor

Professional Experience

Calvin University

  • Executive Vice President for Student Experience and Strategy

Azusa Pacific

  • Chair of Department of Leadership and Organizational Psychology

Pomona College

  • Associate Dean of Campus Life

Professional Associations


  • Association for Christians in Student Development
  • Association for the Study of Higher Education
  • International Leadership Association
  • National Association of College Personnel Administrators