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Dr. Robert Keeley

Professor Emeritus


Robert Keeley’s life-long interest in faith formation animates his scholarship and teaching. He has authored several books and articles on matters of faith and speaks frequently at conferences, churches, and schools. For Dr. Keeley, faith is central to preparing teachers who make a difference in the lives of students. Since coming to Calvin in 1997, his courses with pre service teachers, Curriculum and Instruction and Teaching Religion to Children and Adolescents, hinge on deepening conceptual understandings by developing relationships between people. His 20-year career teaching math to middle and high school students in New Jersey, Colorado and Michigan taught him a thing or two about relationships and effective teaching. In fact, his desire to support thoughtful learning relationships spawned during his master’s degree in Mathematics Education from the University of Colorado and his Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from the University of Denver resulting in co-authorship of two college math textbooks as well as a number of books and articles about helping children and people of all ages grow in their faith.  Whether teaching math, religion or how to teach, he makes sure students are known and valued – it is a central aspect of his scholarship on developing faith.  

Dr. Keeley’s deep experience and interest in the intersection of faith, learning, and development in Calvin’s Education Program creates natural connections with Calvin Theological Seminary where he has worked as their Director of Distance Learning since 2014. He is also a musician, guitar player, and worship leader and shares his leadership gifts often in his church, in Calvin’s chapel, and other places around West Michigan.

Related Information

  • Read Bob's recent Faculty Profile, published in Verge (vol 2.3)
  • He and his wife are in charge of children’s ministry at their church; he plays the guitar (he used to have his own band) and writes a blog about music.


  • MA, Colorado, 1982
  • PhD, University of Denver, 1989

Academic Interests

  • Spiritual development of children

Professional Services

  • Consulted with teachers at Denver Christian High School on seminar curriculum, June 2010
