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Mrs. Julie Anne Wildschut

Assistant Professor


She began working for Plaster Creek Stewards in 2015 with a hydrologic study of the watershed. Since then, she has worked as their project engineer on a variety of projects, including developing a system for quickly assessing the site suitability for curb-cut rain gardens and using natural stream restoration techniques to stabilize the creek. Much of her work involves researching and optimizing green infrastructure performance to provide greater benefit to the community. Prior to this, she worked as a design engineer in Colorado working on projects involving public infrastructure, site development, stormwater management, and stream stabilization.


  • MSE in Environmental Engineering Sciences, University of Florida, 2019
  • BS in Engineering with a Civil Concentration, Calvin University, 2000


  • Professional Engineer, State of Michigan, 2015
  • Professional Engineer, State of Colorado, 2005

Professional Experience

Representative engineering projects include...

  • Leisure Creek Condominium Association Stream Restoration Design and Monitoring, Dutton, MI, 2017–2022
    Assessed existing geomorphological conditions using BANCs and BEHI models and HEC-RAS. Designed plans to restore hydraulic and geomorphologic function using natural techniques.
  • Calvin Avenue Basin Improvements, Grand Rapids, MI, 2017–19
    Increased detention storage potential and improved water quality through implementation of two-stage ditch and microtopography.
  • Christ Church Water Quality Improvement Modifications Phase 1 and 2, Grand Rapids, MI, 2016–20
    Modeled rainfall-runoff for the 6-acre site using SWMM and to reduce downstream sedimentation. Final construction plans included detention pond with forebay, bioswale, and controlled outlet structure and a step-pool system to stabilize 100 linear feet of severely eroding ravine.
  • Valley Highway (Interstate-25) Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), Denver, CO, 2003–05
    Design Engineer. Evaluated water quality and storm runoff improvements to meet CDOT’s MS4 permit for roadway alternatives presented in the CDOT EIS. Project included HEC-2 modeling, coordination with residents, and written contributions to Water Resources Technical Document and the water resources and floodplain sections of the EIS.
  • Hampden East Detention Pond, Arapahoe County, CO, 2003–05
    Prepared design plans for 24 acre-feet regional detention facility for East Cherry Creek Valley Water and Sanitation District, which includes a sculpted concrete grade control structure, concrete forebays for sedimentation, meandering trickle channels, a micro-pool for secondary sedimentation, a 3-stage outlet structure, an overflow spillway, and landscaping.
  • Autobahn Autobody, Inc, Castle Rock, CO, 2001–02
    Designed 1.3-acre commercial site including detention facility sizing, horizontal control, utility, and grading plans.
  • Pikes Peak Greenway Trail, Colorado Springs, CO, 2000–01
    Designed 1,000 feet of a 12’ wide multi-use trail along Fountain Creek, including hydraulic analysis, low-water crossing, sloped boulder drops, and creek bank protection.


Her current research includes...

  • Suitable green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) alternatives for northern climates
  • Effectiveness of native plants for stormwater reduction
  • Sustainable spring capture and disinfection practices for rural community water supplies in Ecuador
  • Evaluation and assessment of natural stream restoration design technique

Professional Services

Mrs. Wildschut is the third-ward representative to the Stormwater Oversight Commission in the City of Grand Rapids. She also coordinates the VEX Robotics team at a local school and continues to work for Plaster Creek Stewards.

Research and Scholarship

Engineering in Practice: Chlorination of Rural Water Systems

Access to clean drinking water has long been an issue in the developing world, and the
impacts of unclean water on these communities cannot be overstated. A crucial component to
saving lives as well as improving quality of life is water disinfection. However, this problem is
made difficult by the fact that for water systems in developing countries, particularly rural ones,
there is a lack of access to the same funds, testing equipment, and electricity that make water
disinfection feasible in developed nations. As a result, a creative solution must be utilized to
achieve water disinfection in these communities. This is where the Calvin Clean Water Institute
comes in: combining knowledge across a wide variety of disciplines to help solve these
problems. We bring our academic understanding and work with knowledgeable locals to help
develop creative solutions to complex problems.

The goal for this year’s research was to investigate, with the future goal of implementing,
a passive (non-electric) chlorinator that could be used in a small (less than 500 home)
Ecuadorian community. Preliminary research indicated the suitability of the CTI-8 chlorinator for
this undertaking.

The CTI-8 chlorinator was chosen because it could be constructed easily out of PVC,
was inexpensive, and could dispense chlorine consistently. As a result, we began our research
by building the chlorinator and a model system to test it in. Afterwards, we began collecting
large quantities of data about the chlorinator to understand its operation and capabilities. To do
this, the flow rate of water through the model system was varied, as were other parameters to
determine the behavior of the CTI-8. The effluent chlorine concentrations were measured using
a DPD pillow and a visible spectrometer. We learned that by varying the chlorinator bypass an
operator can effectively exert control over the chlorine concentrations. For implementation in a
community, this can prevent microbial contamination while maintaining low enough
concentrations to prevent community rejection. This was a crucial lesson that will most likely be
used in the future implementation of chlorinators, including a possible passive chlorinator
installation in Spring of 2024.

A secondary component of my research was the use of electrolysis to create bleach,
and to design a procedure for container disinfection with the synthesized bleach solution. This
ended up being the less successful portion of the project but still led to important developments
for future research.

The electrolysis system was comprised of an electric current that was run through a saltwater
solution for 24 hours, which results in a concentrated bleach solution. Several trials were run,
with the intent to create a concentrated bleach solution. Although none of the trials produced the
original target concentrations, modifications in the process resulted in a marked improvements
as the summer progressed.

Although I succeeded in meeting the goals that my advisors and I set for summer research,
there were significant setbacks along the way. It took days to begin collecting reliable data for
the chlorinator due to an unexplained spike in chlorine concentrations, and the electrolysis
produced unexplainably low bleach concentrations.
Overall, research was an incredible experience. The most important lesson I learned from this
project is that the solution to any real-world problem is extremely complex. As engineers, we are
prone to the sin of pride, where we think we have the answers necessary to solve every
problem. In reality, real world problems are necessarily complex and multifaceted, and problems
that are worth solving can require weeks, months, or even years to develop adequate solutions.

Passive Chlorination: Providing Clean Drinking Water to Ecuadorian Communities

In 2002, WHO reported that nearly 1.7 million deaths worldwide were caused by unclean  water. The risk of death by unclean water is elevated for young children, for which the second  cause of death worldwide is diarrheal disease, which is largely caused by microbes; these  microbes, when unaddressed, can proliferate in drinking water. Health risks are further elevated  in rural communities, which often lack access to the technology necessary to treat water for  microbial contamination. This can be seen in Ecuador, in which only 52.8% of rural households have access to safe drinking water.

The problem of infected drinking water in rural communities begs the question: how does   one effectively eliminate the risk of microbial contamination without the use of electricity and   complex, expensive components? A solution: passive chlorination. Passive chlorination systems   use the flow of the water itself to release chlorine into the water. The chlorine then disinfects   the water, leaving it safe to drink.

The research that I conducted this summer, in conjunction with related research   conducted by a team of professors and engineering students, primarily involved assembling and   testing a chlorinator that was determined by literature review to be the most promising option   of several different passive chlorinators. The CTI-8, designed by Compatible Technology   International, is a low-cost chlorinator that can be made using hand tools and commercially   available PVC components. Using the provided instructions for building a CTI-8, I constructed and   tested one in a model system that was meant to mimic the flow conditions in Ecuadorian   communities. The model system was comprised of a hose-fed 50 gallon upper tank, a main pipe   line that split into two lines (one with the CTI-8 and one without it), a bypass valve, and a 50   gallon lower tank into which both lines drained. This model system provided a way to run a series   of experiments to determine the dosing capabilities of the CTI-8, and to determine how to adjust   the bypass valve that controlled the ratio of water that went through the chlorinator versus the   ratio that bypassed the chlorinator.

The ability to control this ratio proved to be a very reliable means of controlling the final   combined concentration of the two lines. If more chlorine was needed in the lower tank, the   amount of water bypassing the chlorinator was reduced, and vice versa. Additionally, the CTI-8   proved to be very effective at consistently dosing water for a wide range of flow rates. For this   reason, the CTI-8 will be implemented for an Ecuadorian community by July 2023.   Working with a team to develop and test a real-world solution has been eye-opening to   the multi-faceted nature of real-world engineering problems. In the case of Ecuador, access to   clean water is a societal, economic, and technological issue, making it a challenge to create an   appropriate solution that meets the needs of Ecuadorian communities.