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Dr. John Walcott

Associate Professor, Master of Arts in Teaching program director


Dr. Walcott brings a strong focus on the social context of education, issues of social justice and equity, and urban education to his work in Calvin’s Education Department. He pushes his students to think critically and to engage with challenging questions about education, society, and our response to injustice and inequity.

Dr. Walcott exhibits a passion for teaching and learning that is founded on his experience as a middle and high school teacher and high school principal. He has worked in multicultural and cross-cultural settings both in the United States and in Latin America. His work in urban schools has fueled his focus on urban focused teacher preparation. John also remains active in working with teachers and administrators in the Dominican Republic.

Dr. Walcott’s research has focused on urban education and on the pursuit of equity in urban schools. He received the AILACTE Scholar Award for his research on urban-focused teacher preparation in liberal arts colleges and was also awarded a Title II Improving Teacher Quality grant to work with teachers in local schools. In his research he seeks to contribute to our understanding and practice of promoting equity and justice for all students.


MAT, Calvin College, 1994
PhD, Michigan State University, 2012

Academic Interests

  • Urban Education
  • Multicultural Education
  • Social Context of Education
  • Social Justice and Equity in Education

Professional Services

  • Organized/Chaired conference: Summer Seminar Series Summer Seminar - Improving Teacher Quality. Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan. 07/24/2014
  • Reviewed conference submissions on behalf of the John Dewey Society and articles for the Urban Education journal (2011-2012).


  • University Distinguished Fellowship, Michigan State University
  • AILACTE Scholar Award, Association of Independent Liberal Arts Colleges for Teacher Education (AILACTE)
  • Improving Teacher Quality Competitive Grant, Michigan Department of Education