Catalog of Programs by Calvin College and Calvin Seminary

How to Order      How to Search

This website displays information on titles of conferences, programs, presentations, special lectures, performances, events, etc. which have been recorded at or produced by Calvin College or Calvin Seminary.

The entire list is displayed three times:

Click on a letter to display that section of the list. Use the FIND tool of your web browser (usually Ctrl-F)  to help search the displayed list.

When searching for a title in the Speaker/Talent list, note that each title is listed only once, by the last name of the person. Some titles list more than one speaker. In that case, the speakers are listed in alphabetical order by last name. If the speaker you are searching for is not the first name listed in the group, you need to search the lists of the other speakers' last names.

For example,

Item #3220
Cat's Fugue, The: Writing as a Creative Act
L'Engle, Madeleine; Shaw, Luci

is listed in the L's for L'Engle, not the S's for Shaw.