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GEO 341: Geology Field Studies in New Mexico

4-week course in New Mexico studying geologic field methods and the geologic history of North America

The incomparable scenery and geology of the Colorado Plateau in northwestern New Mexico and the Rio Grande Rift of central New Mexico tell the story of 1.8 billion years of geologic history involving crustal formation, metamorphism, sedimentation, erosion, uplift, rifting, and volcanism. This spectacular natural classroom provides an ideal setting for Calvin geology students to learn and apply geologic field methods, uncover an important part of the geologic history of North America, experience new landscapes and cultures, and build new enthusiasm for the geology major at Calvin.

GEO 341 is a complete field-based course that builds on and reviews basic concepts in geology and provides adequate scaffolding to learn and apply fundamental skills in geologic data collection, mapping, geologic synthesis, and basic report writing.

Pre-requisite: Junior or Senior standing or permission of the instructor.

Basic Information


New Mexico, USA

Program Type



$3727-$4100 (Estimate)
Program Details