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What are direct-enroll courses?

Calvin students who participate in a study-abroad semester take two types of classes: classes taught by Calvin professors (STXX) and classes taught at a host university or institution (direct-enroll). Direct-enroll credits are transfer credits that Calvin students earn from other institutions. Calvin students can earn Calvin core, major, minor, cognate, and elective credit from both Calvin-taught and direct-enroll classes.

In order to ensure that these credits transfer properly, any student who will be taking direct-enroll classes must fill out the course selection form below and submit it to the registrar.

Once you are registered in direct-enroll classes during your semester abroad, you will see STXX 390 on your Academic Progress page. This is used as a placeholder to make sure all your credit hours are accounted for and you maintain your status as a full-time student.

When your direct-enroll transcript arrives, the STXX 390 course credit hours will be changed to zero and the number of Calvin-equivalent credit hours will be listed. Your grades for these classes are treated like regular transfer credits: the Calvin-equivalent letter grade will be generally recorded on your transcript, but will not be factored into your GPA.

Requesting course approval

Note: You only need to submit the “Course Selection Form” for courses taught by host universities, not for courses taught by Calvin faculty.

  • Print out and complete the course selection form. Make sure it has been signed by your advisor.
  • If you are requesting credit for core classes:
    • See the list below of pre-approved core equivalencies. If your class is already on that list, then credit for those core classes will be automatically applied.
    • If your class is not on that list, then attach a course description to your form. The registrar will evaluate the request and determine whether credit can be applied.
  • If you are requesting credit for program (major/minor/cognates) classes, seek approval from your major/minor program advisor. Submit their signed approval along with your course approval form.
  • Bring all of your materials to the Assistant Registrar, Rachel Cush (, in the Center for Student Success.



Pre-approved core equivalencies

Pre-approved core equivalencies Below are core equivalencies that have been pre-approved for students in the past. This list is not comprehensive and is continually growing each semester. *Religion Credit: One religion core must be taken at Calvin. For more information, contact the Assistant Registrar.

Liverpool Hope University

Arts & Rhetoric:

  • Contemporary Practices in Art and Design
  • Dance in Critical Contexts
  • Explorations in Fine Art
  • Intro to Fine Art
  • Social Comment Cinema
  • Themes and Issues in Art & Design History
  • Topics in Contemporary Theatre
  • Intro to Drama


  • England Under Henry VIII
  • From Romantic to Victorian Literature
  • Intro to Buddhism
  • Intro to Judaism
  • Intro to Prose Fiction
  • Intro to Textual Legacies Part 2
  • Intro to Textual Legacies Part 3
  • Major Authors and Publishing History
  • Old, Middle and Early Modern English
  • Philosophical Aesthetics 2: From Kant to Croce
  • Judaism in the Shadow of the Shoah

Social & Behavioral Sciences:

  • Education and Social Justice
  • Educational Psychology
  • Politics, Economics, and Educational Research
  • Understanding Education Policy
  • Analyzing Concepts of International Relations
  • Key Thinkers 2
  • Psychological Criminology
  • Explorations in SEN: Exploring Professional Values and Attitudes
  • Security, Peace and Conflict
  • World Regions: Understanding the World

Mathematical Sciences:

  • Intro to Probability and Statistics

Foundations of Christianity II:

  • New Testament Epistolary Literature
  • The First Theologians: An Intro To Early Christian Thought
  • Christianity Encounters the Modern World
  • Theology in an Age of Enlightenment

The Arts:

  • History of French Cinema


  • Language courses for the major will need to be approved by an advisor.


Foundations of Information Technology:

  • INFS 214: Introduction to Computing


  • PHCL 102: Philosophical Questions

Persons in Community:

  • POLI 458: Politics of Identity in Ghana
  • PSYC 200: Introduction to General Psychology
  • PSYC 462: Political Psychology
  • SOWK 346: Women and Children’s Rights and Protection

Societal Structures"

  • UGBS 201: Microeconomics and Business
  • POLI 112: Political Institutions
  • POLI 346: African and the Global System
  • POLI 358: Conflict and Society in Africa
  • POLI 366: Politics and Civil Society in Ghana
  • SOCI 204: Social Structure of Modern Ghana


  • ENGL 224: Survey of English Literature II
  • ENGL 314: Introduction to African Literature
  • ENGL 414: The Romantic Movement in English Literature
  • ENGL 436: Masterpieces of World Literature
  • ENGL 438: Masterpieces of American Literature
  • UGRC 233: Our African Heritage through Literature

The Arts:

  • CLAS 318: Roman Art and Architecture
  • THEA 212: Play Analysis and Interpretation I (II or III also accepted)
  • THEA 214: History of Medieval Theatre and Drama
  • THEA 436: African Plays and Playwrights
  • MUSC 338: Traditional Music in Ghana
  • MUSC 344: Music of Southern Africa
  • MUSC 346: Process of Art

Rhetoric in Culture:

  • ENGL 322: The English Language in Communication


  • HIST 111: Earliest Civilizations
  • HIST 112: Selected Topics in World History
  • HIST 435: Aspects of World History


  • UGRC 225: Intro to African Studies/African Dance (or for Global/Historical core)


Language courses:

  • To be determined

From Karoli Gaspar (KG) and Corvinus University (CU)

Rhetoric (Arts and Rhetoric):

  • Communication in Fold Culture and Music (KGU)
  • Visual Communication (CU)


  • History of Civilizations (CU)
  • History of Modern Europe (CU)
  • 19th & 20th Century Hungarian History (KGU)
  • British and American History 2 (KGU)
  • Medieval Hungarian History (KGU)
  • Communism in East Central Europe (CU)
  • Philosophy (CU)
  • Selected Topics in NA Literature (KGU)
  • Holocaust Literature (KGU)
  • Selected Topics in Modern British Literature (KGU)
  • Survey of English & American Literature (KGU)
  • Topics in American Literature (KGU)
  • Hungarian History, Literature, and Culture (KGU)
  • Dialogue between Greek Philosophy and Theology (KGU)

Social/Behavioral Sciences :

  • Hungarian Language Culture and History (KG)
  • International Relations and Institutions (KG)
  • SOC 450 The New East-European Uncerclass (CU)
  • ECO 131 Microeconomics (CU)
  • Urban Sociology (KG)
  • Cultural Anthropology (KG)

Arts (Arts and Rhetoric):

  • Films and History (CU)
  • ART 300 Contemporary Literature, Film, and Visual Arts (CU)
  • ART 302: Fields and Sciences: Reading the Arts, Culture and Design (CU)
  • Intro to Modern and Contemporary Irish Drama (KGU)
  • Hungarian Art and Cultural History (KGU)



Universidad Catolica San Pablo

Arts and Rhetoric:

  • Oratoria
  • Comunicacion II
  • Introduccion a la Comunicacion
  • Artes Plasticas
  • Art Appreciation
  • Musica


  • Introduccion a la Filosofia
  • Apreciacion literaria
  • Historia de la Cultura Occidental I
  • Historia de la Cultura Occidental II
  • Ethics

Foundations of Christianity I:

  • Teologia


  • Psicologia general
  • Political Science
  • Economia general
  • Sociologia, Microeconomia

Rhetoric in Culture:

  • Introducción a la cartografía (Geography department UniOvi)
  • Análisis e interpretación del paisaje (Geography department UniOvi)
  • Historia y concepto del Patrimonio cultural (Art History department UniOvi, could also count for The Arts)
  • Sociedad y cultura españolas (Casa de las lenguas)

Philosophical Foundations:

  • Introduccion a la Filosofia (offered through Art History department UniOvi)

Persons in Community:

  • Psicología (through Psychology department UniOvi)
  • Atropología social (through Educación social department UniOvi
  • Psicología del trabajo (through Relaciones laborales degree UniOvi
  • Culturas y lenguas modernas (though Modern Languages department UniOvi)

Societal Structures:

  • Introducción a la ciencia política (Political Science department UniOvi)
  • Economía global (Economics department UniOvi)
  • “Sociología” (offered through Geography department UniOvi)

The Arts:

  • Arte española (Casa de las lenguas)
  • Introducción a la musicología (Music department UniOvi)
  • Análisis y técnicas de la obra de arte (Art History department UniOvi)
  • Historia y concepto de Patrimonio cultural
  • Historia del arte iberoamericana (Art History department UniOvi)
  • Mercado, crítica del arte y comisariado de exposiciones (Art History department UniOvi)


  • Análisis matemática (Mathematics department UniOvi)
  • Estadística (Statistics department UniOvi)

The Natural World:

  • Biología evolutiva (Biology department UniOvi)


  • Introduccion lingüística al estudio del inglés (English 370 cognate)
  • Corrientes actuales del la lingüística (substitutes for SPAN 340/341 only for those with a provably tight schedule)
  • Adquisición del lenguage y logopedia (substitutes for SPAN 340 for education students with a provably prohibitive schedule)
  • Sociolingüística del español (has worked as an elective for a linguistics degree)
  • Sociología de la educación (substitutes for Education 205)

Elective credit (some courses taken previously):

  • Introducción a las finanzas
  • Psicología de la educación

Many other courses available at



  • No direct-enroll core equivalencies are currently available.