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The Calvin Core

The Calvin Core is anything but general. It’s education that shows you your place in God’s world.

The Essence of the Core

The Calvin Core introduces you to the key committments and values of a Calvin education.

Diversity and Difference

Become a community where all voices are heard and valued, and others are loved in appreciation of their differences.

Environmental Sustainability

Become a faithful steward of resources, loving all God's creation—both human and non-human.

Global Regions and Cultures

Be formed as a listener, observer, and communicator in all contexts, and love others through appreciation of their cultural contexts.

Core Categories

The classes you will take for the Calvin Core will fall into four general categories.


Draws from the wisdom of scripture and thinkers across the disciplines, to help you gain the skills to address contemporary challenges and enduring questions.

Sample classes:

  • CORE 100
  • Religion courses
Three students sit in a classroom looking toward the front, with notebooks and laptops open.
A female student in a gray t-shirt stands with the Smith machine barbell in the Calvin fitness center, with another student looking on.

Competencies and Skills

Designed to provide you with the academic skills and proficiencies you will need in your academic career and future.

Sample classes

  • Foundational Writing
  • Health and Movement
  • World Languages

Knowledge and Understanding

Designed to introduce you to a variety of disciplines and give you a wider understanding of the world we live in. 

Sample classes

  • Arts and Rhetoric
  • Math
  • Natural Sciences
  • Social and Behavioral Sciences
  • Humanities
A student holds a lab sample in a tube while wearing a maroon lab coat and safety glasses.
A group of students stand in front of a Chinese landmark.

Engaged Citizenship

The culmination of your liberal arts exploration through the Calvin Core. A deep dive into a pressing question or challenge that requires an interdisciplinary approach, applying all you have learned along the way.

Sample classes:

  • Environmental sustainability
  • Global Regions and Cultures
  • Contemporary Challenges and Enduring Questions