Highlights from Dave and Tom's Retirement Dinner on July 18, 2024
More than 100 people joined us on July 18, 2024, for our Celebration Dinner for Tom Dykhouse and David Hahn, including past Van Lunen directors, founding members, faculty, and current Fellows and Ascending Leaders.
Former Van Lunen Center director Shirley Roels shared a recorded message for Tom and Dave, expressing her thankfulness for the blessings each of them has brought to our programs.
Retiring Board president Tom Dykhouse (serving as board member 2012-2024 and as the Center’s Board Chair from 2018-2024) expressed his gratitude for the Van Lunen Center and all the opportunities he had to work with various people and impact students around the world through this program. His words of encouragement to the Fellows and Ascending Leaders were this; “The work you do is critical. The school communities that you lead need committed, competent leaders of Christian character…. Your work is hard. Your work is lonely. But you have the best jobs in the world. You have an awesome responsibility and an incredible opportunity. Keep the faith.”
Former Van Lunen Center director Jim Marsh then introduced David Hahn, beginning with some context from their first meetings 17 years ago in which they laid out Van Lunen traditions, such as starting every conference day with worship and adding in free time. “We didn’t know when we started this program that such a real and important part of the Van Lunen experience were the relationships and the way the cohorts bonded.” Jim also expressed how he hated having to present after Dave, a.k.a., the Dr. of Fun. “Dave makes a presentation about fundraising like late night TV. A laugh a minute.” Jim spoke to how important that fun was though, and Dave’s important impact on Christian education. “David Hahn embodies having joy in the journey,” Jim surmised.
Dave Hahn stepped on the podium to announce, “Thus ends the dignified portion of the program.” Amidst the laughter and the lighthearted banter, Dave shared his thankfulness for being invited to be a part of the Van Lunen Center over 17 years ago. “I feel like God calls you when things fit together, and this is what happened to me.” As a huge proponent of the ‘big tent’ model Van Lunen espouses, Dave stated that “we might be birthing a new era of Christian unity” through the Van Lunen Center.
Dave expressed how honored he was to be a part of the Van Lunen Center, and encouraged our school leaders with these words, “Think of the impact you make. You do holy work. Sometimes it might seem like miserable work, but it’s holy work.”
We would like to thank Tom and Dave again for their incalculable impact on the Van Lunen Center and all the lives they touched through their service, knowledge, and encouragement. Thank you for your holy work.