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Calvin News

Walking Boldly: Reitsma Mpindi

Tue, Jul 18, 2017
News and Stories Staff

This summer, we’re following the class of 2017: Calvin graduates who are journeying around the corner and across the globe. Reitsma Mpindi is applying strategies and skills learned at Calvin in his new position of staff assistant at Javelin.

  • Name: Reitsma Mpindi
  • Class: 2017
  • Hometown: Grand Rapids, Michigan
  • Major(s): Organizational Communication
  • Next step: Staff assistant at Javelin.

What’s one thing you would want to tell someone starting his or her journey at Calvin?

Mistakes and fear are tools, not weapons, depending on your perspective. Since you are human, things more often than not won’t go according to plan. However, the beauty of life, in my experience, has come when I submitted to God and asked him to direct my steps. It can be one of the most challenging commitments, but in that space, the Lord has shown me his ability to grow me, forgive me, and open the doors to the places he means to bring me. If nothing else, learn to love and trust the process.

What about Calvin specifically prepared you for this next step in your journey?

The high level of critical problem solving taught at Calvin has allowed me to troubleshoot through interpersonal, spiritual and task-oriented issues in life. To think on a higher level about the details and the bigger picture gives me a direction to move in, and action steps to carry the plan. I also was taught to empathize and think more selflessly during my time at Calvin, which has deepened and strengthened all my relationships.

How has your time at Calvin changed you?

I consider others first more often, I have grown in emotional maturity, I have become a resilient problem solver, a have become a willing servant leader. I have learned to receive God’s grace on a daily basis and have gained more peace with myself in my time at Calvin.

What’s one thing that surprised you about Calvin?

How driven some of these faculty and students are, it is seriously impressive how focused and convicted these people are. From Wall Street veterans to Academy Award winning directors, I found my level of tenacity and drive increase as I met these types of people.

Describe Calvin in three words or less.

Honest, meaningful work.