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Calvin News

Chem demos slated May 16-18

Wed, May 16, 2007
Myrna Anderson

For the 17th straight year Calvin College professor of chemistry Larry Louters will perform a variety of captivating chemistry demonstrations for area elementary school children.

All told some 1,500 local fifth-graders will be wowed by chemistry at Calvin on May 16, May 17 and May 18 (see below for complete schedule).

The students represent a variety of schools - everything from Burton and Buchanan elementary schools to Sherwood Park and St. Andrews to Millbrook and Ada Christian schools to home schools.

As in past years, the demos will see Louters perform an enjoyable mix of education and entertainment designed to not only teach children some of the more basic laws of chemistry, but do so in a fun way that may encourage kids to pursue the study of chemistry at the high school and college level.

Louters's act is a blend of Mr. Rogers and David Copperfield as he mixes kind-hearted science instruction with explosions, flames and other visual thrills guaranteed to capture the attention of 11-year-olds!

A couple of years ago, for example, he introduced a new trick - one in which he and colleague Rich Huisman scoop up methane-filled soap bubbles, walk into the audience and ignite the bubbles. Says Louters with a big grin: "A huge flame erupting from an open hand is pretty spectacular."

Louters notes that he and Huisman have also added in recent years erupting foam and continue to use the standards of burning liquid methane, the penny fountain and the appearing and dissappearing colors.

All the fun has an ulterior motive for Louters and Huisman.

"I figure if we can reach kids early enough, and get them excited about chemistry," says Louters, "maybe they'll remember it when they get to high school or college and want to take it again. The beautiful thing about these demonstrations is that they all want to be chemists afterwards."



May 16 - 9:30 to 10:45 am
260 students representing Calvin , Rockford and Millbrook Christian, Breton Downs, St. Paul Apostle and St. Andrews

May 16 - 1 to 2:15 pm
236 students representing Dutton Christian, Sherwood Park and Burton

May 17 - 9:30 to 10:45 am
275 students representing Lakes Elementary, Chandler Woods, Plymouth Christian, Huntington Woods and home schoolers

May 17 - 1 to 2:15 pm
202 students representing Excel Charter , Oakdale Christian, Our Savior Lutheran, North Hills Classical and home schoolers

May 18 - 9:30 to 10:45 am
288 students representing Westside, Hudsonville, Creston and Evergreen Christian, Ridge Park Charter and home schoolers

May 18 - 1 to 2:15 pm
235 students representing Ada and Legacy Christian, Buchanan, Grand Rapids Montessori and home schoolers