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Calvin News

Calvin Named to Insight list

Wed, Aug 08, 2001

Insight Magazine, the weekly magazine of the Washington Times newspaper, has selected Calvin as one of "30 distinguished colleges/universities which still teach the fullness of the Western academic traditions."

The colleges are profiled in the August 27 issue of the magazine, which has just come out.

Insight says there are few U.S. colleges that stand against the "fads and visible innovations that pass for progress and improvement in American higher education." But, the magazine notes, the ones that do often "are connected intimately with one religious tradition or another whose richness they foster among their students."

Says Insight: "Wheaton College in Illinois is evangelical. Rhodes College of Memphis is Presbyterian and Michigan's Calvin College is Christian Reformed. The University of Dallas, Thomas Aquinas College in California and some other fine institutions are faithfully Roman Catholic."

Calvin is one of just two Michigan schools picked to the list of 30. Hillsdale is the other. Insight's honoring of Calvin follows accolade for the college in recent days from The Fiske Guide to Colleges and the Kaplan/Newsweek College Guide. Yet to come are college guides from US News & World Report and The Princeton Review.