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Calvin LifeWork launches

Fri, Dec 01, 2017

How did you learn to manage your finances? How did you discover the benefits of networking with others in your career field? How did you gain leadership skills? I know for me, I saw them modeled by mentors; others I discovered through trial and error. They were not something I specifically sought to learn while in school.

In our September 2016 issue of Spark, we introduced the plans for Calvin LifeWork, which began this fall. This four-year, co-curricular, voluntary program aims to launch participants into the world a few steps ahead, with a few less stumbles, and equipped to make wise decisions.

Each year will have a different focus for students. Year one is discovery, two is equipping, three is experiencing and four is launching. The focus each year will bring in training from four different modules: vocation, career readiness, financial literacy and life skills, and leadership development. If a student fully participates in the first three years of the program, he or she will receive a $3,000 scholarship the fourth year.

To help kick off the program, Christian financial adviser and author Ron Blue spoke to students. He shared his five biblical principles of financial freedom: “give generously, avoid the use of debt, spend less than you earn, set long-term goals and plan for financial margin.” If Blue’s book sales to students that night are any indication, there is clearly a hunger to learn more.

The kickoff event was just a passing glimpse of what students will learn to set them up for life after they leave Calvin’s campus. It is a program unique to Calvin, and it has already garnered attention from other colleges around the country and in higher-education publications.

TaRita Johnson, director of the Career Center, believes “the program is a game changer in determining how we will prepare our graduates for life and work.” As with all we do in our work, Calvin Life- Work will equip students to think deeply, act justly and live wholeheartedly as Christ’s agents of renewal in the world.