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Implicit Bias in Health Care

Continuing Studies Program On Campus

What You'll Learn

For this segment of the training, you will receive one contact hour of credit. When combined with the live session in January, you will receive three contact hours. This one-hour segment includes completing two readings, watching one video, and participating in a discussion forum after each reading and video (a total of three discussion forum posts).

After completing this one hour online course and the two-hour live training (total of three hours), you will be able to:

  • Reflect on current implicit bias research and strategies to reduce disparities in health care.
  • Describe how cultural norms, language, and experiences shape our individual knowledge and decision-making.
  • Describe the neuroscience of implicit bias.
  • Identify several forms of bias.
  • Interpret the relationship between implicit bias and disparate access to and delivery of health care services.
  • Explain a process to mitigate implicit bias in delivery of health care services.

Available for cohort-based registration – contact Abbie Lipsker, with questions.

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