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Business Analytics Major (BS)

Undergraduate Program On Campus

What You'll Learn

New technologies are challenging organizations and their people to adapt their processes and make better use of more data than has ever been available before. To meet this challenge, Business analysts take a systemic view of an organization to guide its strategy and best serve its stakeholders.

With a major in Business Analytics from Calvin University, you will drive the digital transformation for organizations serving a wide range of markets.

You’ll combine business acumen, people and project management, and organizational change skills with a knowledge of information ecosystems, predictive analytics, and computer science.

You'll graduate ready to ask the right questions, and how to employ the right tools to bring value out of analytics and digital data—all with an ethical perspective that puts technology in the service of humanity.

What Makes This Program Great

  • Study abroad: Explore the ways that business operates around the globe by studying abroad for an interim or a full semester. Calvin business students have studied in places like Hungary, India, China, and Germany.
  • Gain real-world experience: Sure, you’ll have opportunities to intern with global leaders. But, long before you step through the doors of a multimillion dollar company, you will work on projects for them in class.
  • Learn from industry leaders: Your professors are leaders in their fields. They’ve worked for global companies and are ethical decision-makers. They’ll help you develop your skills and your network.
  • A city of opportunity: As a business analytics major, you’ll have consulting experience or an internship. From startups to large corporations, the Grand Rapids area is full of businesses of all sizes—which means plenty of opportunities to get an internship that builds on your goals.
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Patrick Bailey

Professor Emeritus, Director, Business Analytics Program