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Publicity Policy

Publicity Policy

Table of Contents

Student Life encourages creative and effective promotion of campus sponsored events. We also recognize that the campus is a shared space and want to respect the community space as a shared space. These policies attempt to clarify many of the frequent situations that groups encounter. It is also not possible to have a policy for every situation. When in doubt please stop by the Center for Student Engagement (CSE) for clarity on procedures.

Submit a request

General Policies

All advertising must comply with Calvin University standards and procedures for publicity, as outlined in this policy document. 

  • All postings from Calvin University organizations, departments, and offices must be approved by the CSE prior to posting publicity.
  • All posters, flyers, leaflets, chalking, and other postings must clearly state the name(s) of the sponsoring organization(s).
  • Only members of officially recognized Calvin University student organizations, Calvin University departments, and university offices are allowed to publicize events, services, and initiatives using campus bulletin boards and other approved methods. Events must be directly related to the organization or department and have that group’s involvement and/or sponsorship. Outside events that have no direct connection are not eligible—campus groups cannot publicize on behalf of outside groups.

While events and related publicity on campus must fit within the educational mission and community standards of the university, which includes Calvin’s freedom of expression guidelines, the approval of publicity (and the events themselves) should not imply university endorsement.

Exceptions to this policy may be approved by the Associate Dean of Student Engagement upon request, but only for extenuating circumstances or situations not clearly defined in this policy, for which a policy clarification or exception is warranted.

Violators of the publicity policy may be fined and have their publicity privileges suspended.

Physical Advertisements

Requirements are as follows:


  • Posters must be 8.5”x11” or smaller.  Variations in poster design are allowed.
  • The maximum number of posters per event is 30
  • Posters for events may be displayed on all-campus bulletin boards throughout campus for 14 days.
  • Posters for campus resources maybe displayed on bulletin boards throughout campus for 1 month.
  • The end date for postings will be noted on the digital stamp received. Please indicate on the publicity request form if your start date will be later than after approval is received.
  • Posters must have a visible approval stamp from the CSE.

Facilities staff and other designated faculty and staff will enforce the time limit policies. Students may not remove others’ publicity without permission from the CSE.

A physical advertisement that has already been used cannot be reused at a later date. However, an event or resource already advertised with a physical advertisement MAY be advertised again at a later date if the physical advertisement is different in design and content than the original advertisement.


  • Flyers must be 8.5”x11” or smaller.
  • The maximum number of flyers per event or announcement is 200.
  • Flyers must have a visible approval stamp from the CSE.

Flyers may be handed out to students personally, but may not be placed on parked cars or left in piles around campus, unless permission is given for the latter by specific offices or Residence Life (for residence hall and apartment areas).

You must get approval from Residence Life before inserting flyers in student mailboxes.

Banners, External Signs and A-frames

  • All forms of large-scale signs must be approved by the Associate Dean of Student Engagement and be consistent with university publicity policies
  • A-Frames signs may only be used for up to 48 hours (checked out from the CSE Office)
  • Banners may not be hung from the exterior or draped from a window or doorway of any residential building
  • Locations for large scale signs must be approved by the CSE Office. Under certain circumstances approval from Facilities staff or other offices may be required
  • Unapproved signate of this type will be discarded, and responsible individuals or organizations will be accountable for any removal costs and policy violation.
  • If banners are not removed 24 hours after the event organizations may be charged for removal. University staff is not responsible for saving any banner

Dining Hall Table Toppers

  • Size for table toppers/tents are standard 4"x 6".
  • The maximum quantity is 50 table toppers, distributed between both dining halls.
  • All dining hall table toppers must have an approval stamp from the CSE. One table topper must be given to Creative Dining Staff as notification of approval.
  • Table toppers/tents will only be approved for one week, lasting from Monday-Sunday and only 2 table toppers will be approved at the same time.

Sidewalk Chalk

  • Chalking is approved for up to 5 days.
  • All chalk used must be washable "sidewalk" chalk.
  • Messaging must be approved by the CSE and is limited to specific event or community announcements only.

Chalking is allowed only on designated sidewalks.  Chalk may not be applied to:

  • Building walls or vertical surfaces
  • Interior of any building
  • Under overhangs of any buildings (or any place rain does not directly hit, as a good rule of thumb)
  • Any other university property (offsite or private residence)

Unapproved messages will be removed. Responsible individuals or organizations will be accountable for cleaning costs and policy violations.

Approval Process for Physical Advertisements

  1. Sponsoring organizations must use the Publicity Request form to request approval from the Center for Student Engagement (CSE).  Although not required, it is strongly recommended that campus-wide events be added to the Calvin Events Calendar first, before physical advertisements are requested.
  2. Requests will be reviewed by the CSE. An approval email with a digital stamp and printing instructions, or a denial email with reasoning for denial, will be emailed within 2 business days.
  3. After approval has been received and the advertisements are printed, physical advertisements may be hung or displayed. All publicity (except sidewalk chalk) must display an approval stamp.

Submit a request

Hanging Posters

The CSE will maintain orderly bulletin boards.  Please help by doing the following:

  • Ensure that digital stamps are visible.
  • Follow the grid alignment structure of bulletin boards.
  • Do not cover other posters.

Campus bulletin boards are marked with a maroon square in the bottom right corner.  Please do not hang posters on departmental bulletin boards--these are reserved for the assigned departments only. 

Student Organization Tabling and Visual Displays

Requirements are as follows:

  • Tabling or displays are limited to 1 day (between 8 am and 5 pm). 
  • Locations for tables will be requested and assigned as part of the approval process.  Flag displays will be limited to the lawn on the west side of the Common’s Annex.
  • Only officially chartered student organizations may utilize a table or visual display, and organizations may not sponsor tables for outside or unofficial groups or organizations.  Organization Advisors must be aware and in approval of table and visual displays.
  • Requests must be made two weeks prior to the event and include the specific information that will be displayed at the table or display. Requests must exhibit thought and preparation, including evidence of how the table or display will contribute to civil public discourse, avoid negative community and personal impact, be grounded in the university’s freedom of expression principles, and be compatible with the educational mission of the university. The reality of the table or display must match the request form description.

Sharing of information or solicitation of support or opinions must be done in a respectful and unobtrusive way. That is, any table or display must preserve the right of any community member to not engage with the table or visual display.

Approval Process for Student Organization Tabling and Visual Displays

  1. Sponsoring organizations must use the Student Organization Tabling Request form. Those requests will be reviewed.
  2. Use the Event Services Reservation form to reserve approved locations for this type of event. Faculty or Staff Advisor knowledge and approval is required.

Submit a request

Additional Notes on Bulletin Boards

All-campus Bulletin Boards

Bulletin Boards available for all Calvin departments and organizations are labeled with maroon informational squares in the bottom right corner.

Public Bulletin Boards

Posters concerning events that are not sponsored by Calvin departments or organizations can only be posted on the two “public” bulletin boards located in the entrance to Johnny’s Café and immediately outside the Campus Store.

Residence Hall Bulletin Boards

Limited spaces for student organization or departmental posters exist in the lobby/entrances to each residence hall and several KE apartments. These boards are subject to the same policies as all other general bulletin boards on campus. Large bulletin boards near each residence hall front desk are reserved for Residence Life purposes and are not available for other organization or department use unless approved by Residence Life staff specifically. Interior floor, basement, and apartment hallway bulletin boards and wall spaces are strictly reserved for Residence Life and hall/apartment community events.

Departmental Bulletin Boards

University employees may post articles and announcements outside of their offices or on their office doors. These articles/announcements do not need to be stamped. Academic departments may set their own policies for specifically assigned bulletin boards within or adjacent to their department spaces.


Basic information

Date issued
Last updated
Current Students
Full-time faculty
Approved by

Center for Student Engagement