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Kalsbeek-Huizenga-van Reken Hall

Also known as KHvR, this residence hall complex is comprised of three wings—Kalsbeek is traditionally a female hall, Huizenga a male hall, and van Reken (connected to Kalsbeek) houses both men and women who are part of Calvin’s three unique living-learning communities. All floors are connected with shared common lobbies, including the shared basement level, and two elevators make the entire complex accessible.


1988 - Kalsbeek Huizenga
2008 - van Reken

Named after:

Wilhelmina Kalsbeek (1894-1955): Served as one of the first Christian Reformed missionaries in China.

Lee Huizenga (1881-1945): Served as a missionary and medical doctor in China.

van Reken -
A family deeply committed to missions around the world, including a special connection to China, and to supporting scholarships at Calvin for children of missionaries.

Learn more about van Reken's living learning communities.


3245 Knight Way SE

42.93445, -85.58702