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Bolt-Heyns-Timmer Hall

Also known as BHT, this residence hall complex is comprised of three wings with one common lobby and shared basements. Bolt is traditionally a male hall and Heyns a female hall. Timmer Hall is connected to Heyns Hall and typically houses a community of junior and senior students. An elevator in Timmer provides accessibility to much of the complex.


Bolt & Heyns - 1970, Timmer - 1981

Named after:

Jacab Bolt (1875-1967) Christina Bolt (1876-1959): Served as Christian Reformed missionaries to the Navaho people in Crown Point, New Mexico, for 25 years.

Garrett Heyns (1891-1969): Gained national recognition for his dedication to improving prisons in Michigan and Washington. He received Calvin's first distinguished alumni award in 1966.

Johanna Timmer (1901-1978): In 1927, she became the first woman to join Calvin’s faculty, serving as Dean of Women and as an English teacher.


3200 Knight Way SE

42.93202, -85.588