Richard Whitekettle

Richard Whitekettle


Towson University, BS
Westminster Theological Seminary, MAR, ThM
Yale University, MPhil, PhD


Biblical Literature and Theology (121)
Old Testament Historical Books (212)
Psalms and Wisdom Literature (213)
Prophets (214)
History and Archaeology of Ancient Israel (311)
Birth, Sex, and Death in the Biblical World (Interim)



Gardening, classical music and jazz, museums, old movies, hanging out in Baltimore and DC, and playing with my imaginary dog

Academic interests

Israelite religion and culture, ancient zoological and botanical thought


“There is a Tide in the Affairs of Women: The Biology of Menstruation in Levitical (and Israelite) Thought,” Journal of Biblical Literature 142 (2023) 197–219.

“A Time to Mourn, and a Time to Menstruate? The Purpose of the Month in Deuteronomy 21:10-14,” Vetus Testamentum 73 (2023) 155-170.

“Three Divided Into Two: The Zoological/Physical Structure of the World in Israelite Thought,” Catholic Biblical Quarterly 83 (2021) 191-207.

“Biblical Lessons on Third-Party Reproduction,” Ethics & Medics 45.4 (April 2020) 3-4. (link)

“Neither Bug Nor Beast Nor Bush: On the Identity and Significance of the Object in Job 12:8a,” Revue Biblique 126 (2019) 481-496.

“Life’s Labors Lost: Priestly Death and Returning Home from a City of Refuge in Ancient Israel,” Harvard Theological Review 111 (2018) 333-356.

“A Study in Scarlet: The Physiology and Treatment of Blood, Breath, and Fish in Ancient Israel,” Journal of Biblical Literature 135 (2016) 685-704.

“How the Sheep of Judah Became Fish: Habakkuk 1,14 and the Davidic Monarchy,” Biblica 96 (2015) 273-281.

“Like a Fish and Shrimp Out of Water: Identifying the Dag and Remes Animals of Habakkuk 1:14,” Bulletin for Biblical Research 24 (2014) 491-503.

“Marriage Equality and the Bible: Why All Forms of Marriage in the Old Testament are Not Equal,” The Public Discourse. No pages. Cited 12 May 2014. (link)

“Putting God in its Proper Case,” First Things. No pages. Cited 13 September 2013. (link)

“Freedom from Fear and Bloodshed: Hosea 2.20 (Eng. 18) and the End of Human/Animal Conflict,” Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 37 (2012) 219-236.

“The Leech Sisters: Greed and Sibling Conflict in Proverbs 30,15a,” Biblische Zeitschrift 56 (2012) 93-95.

“A Communion of Subjects: Zoological Classification and Human/Animal Relations in Psalm 104,” Bulletin for Biblical Research 21 (2011) 173-187.

“When More Leads to Less: Overstatement, Incrementum, and the Question in Job 4:17a,” Journal of Biblical Literature 129 (2010) 445-448.

“One if by And: Conjunctions, Taxonomic Development, and the Animals of Leviticus 11,26,” Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 121 (2009) 481-497.

“Oxen Can Plow, But Women Can Ruminate: Animal Classification and the Helper in Genesis 2,18-24,” Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament 23 (2009) 243-256.

“Forensic Zoology: Animal Taxonomy and Rhetorical Persuasion in Psalm Fifty,” Vetus Testamentum 58 (2008) 404-419.

“Taming the Shrew, Shrike, and Shrimp: The Form and Function of Zoological Classification in Psalm 8,” Journal of Biblical Literature 125 (2006) 749-765.

“The Raven as Kind and Kinds of Ravens: A Study in the Zoological Nomenclature of Leviticus 11,2-23,” Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 117 (2005) 509-528.

“Bugs, Bunny, or Boar? Identifying the Zîz Animals of Psalms 50 and 80,” Catholic Biblical Quarterly 67 (2005) 250-264.

“Of Mice and Wren: Terminal Level Taxa in Israelite Zoological Thought,” Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament 17 (2003) 163-182.

“All Creatures Great and Small: Intermediate Level Taxa in Israelite Zoological Thought” Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament 16 (2002) 163-183.

"Where the Wild Things Are: Primary Level Taxa in Israelite Zoological Thought," Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 93 (2001) 17-37.

"Rats are Like Snakes, and Hares are like Goats: A Study in Israelite Land Animal Taxonomy," Biblica 82 (2001) 345-362.

"Levitical Thought and the Female Reproductive Cycle: Wombs, Wellsprings, and the Primeval World," Vetus Testamentum 46 (1996) 376-391.

"Lev 12 and the Israelite Woman: Ritual Process, Liminality, and the Womb," Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 107 (1995) 393-408.

"Leviticus 15.18 Reconsidered: Chiasm, Spatial Structure and the Body," Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 49 (1991) 31-45.  Reprinted in The Pentateuch (ed. John W. Rogerson; The Biblical Seminar 39; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1996) 173-185.

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