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Mr. Justin Xu

International student


  • Major:  Business and Mathematics
  • Year at Calvin: Junior
  • Country or countries you grew up in: China
  • Nationality: Chinese
  • High school: Aurora Christian High School

What is your most memorable experience at Calvin?

My most memorable experience at Calvin was the Sem Pond jump. Last feburary, I went with a lot of other brave students to jump into the icy Sem Pond. It was really memorable to me because it is something that nobody would do in my culture. I can still remember how surprised my mom was when I told her I did that.

How do you get involved at Calvin?

Calvin is really awesome because there are so many ways that you can get involved. The past two summers, I worked as an Orientation Assistant for the International Orientation, called International Passport. I am also a member of ISAC (International Student Association Committee) where I, along with some co-workers, host events such as Word Food Festival, Chicago Trip, International Worship Night, etc.

What is the community like at Calvin?

When talking about community at Calvin, the first thing that come up to my mind is diversity. Calvin is a top ranked liberal arts college for the size of our International student population. It’s not only the International student body that makes the community diverse—it’s the professors, the American students living abroad, and the missionary kids. Calvin community is also really positive. People respect each other and whenever you are in need, there will be prayers and support. The community here at Calvin is really a good place for you to learn and grow.

Do you work on campus?

I have worked in Johnny’s Café since I was a freshman. I mainly worked on the grill preparing dishes for my first semester, and now I mainly work at the Cash register. I also help out with making sushi on Tuesdays and Thursdays!

Do you go home during holidays and breaks or stay on campus?

I have stayed at Calvin College to work during the past two summers. During Christmas breaks, I have gone to two Christian conferences here in the States. The first one is called Urbana, which is a major Christian mission conference, and the second one is called Onething.