Princeton Review names Calvin College one of nation's best colleges

From: Matthew Kucinski <>
Date: Mon Aug 05 2013 - 16:24:32 EDT

Calvin College is one of the nation's best institutions for undergraduate
education, according to the Princeton Review. The education services
company features the school in the recently published 2014 edition of its
annual college guide, "The Best 378

Only about 15 percent of the
nation's four-year colleges are included in
the guide, which bases its
selections on institutional data, school
visits, student feedback
and the
opinions of both the Princeton Review staff and the 35-member
Counselor Advisory Board. The Princeton Review depends heavily on
surveys in forming each school's two-page profile.

In a "Survey Says" sidebar in the bookıs profile on Calvin, the Princeton
lists topics that Calvin students surveyed for the book were in most
about in their answers to survey questions. The list includes: "Students
happy," "great library," "school is well run," "students are very
religious" and
"great off-campus food."

In the profile, the college's admissions office states "quality teaching
accessibility to students are considered top priorities by faculty

Students who were surveyed backed up that claim, saying professors "make
their subjects fascinating" and "genuinely care about the students."
Another student says,
"Not only do they know their stuff, but they will go above and beyond to
help you."

Students also appreciate the small class sizes, good facilities and the
wealth of
opportunities and organizations for students to get involved in outside of
classroom. One student notes "Calvin students are really into social
issues." Another one says, "We are learning to live, and living to learn:
socially, academically, and spiritually together."

And,according to the college, student learning at Calvin is paying off. In
a survey of recent graduates, the college states "nearly 100 percent of
responders reported that they had either secured a job or begun graduate
school within six months of graduation." The college also reports that
"Calvin is among the top 5 percent of four-year private colleges in the
number of graduates who go on to earn a PhD."

"The Best 378 Colleges" (Random House/ Princeton Review) will be available
a print edition and an enhanced eBook edition on Tuesday, August 6, 2013.

For more info on the Princeton Review rankings, including Calvin's full
profile, visit:


Received on Mon Aug 5 16:25:05 2013

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