Calvin prof's composition performed at ArtPrize

From: Matthew Kucinski <>
Date: Fri Sep 24 2010 - 13:49:40 EDT

On Sunday, September 26, 2010, a Calvin professor's composition will add music to a piece of art during two live performances. At 3 p.m. and 3:45 p.m. three musical ensembles will join together in front of the Ford Museum, under the direction of Calvin orchestra director Robert Nordling, to play a composition by Calvin music professor David Fuentes.

Fuentes' work, titled "Clouds, Radiance, Sweetness, Gold and Fire," will accompany Romanian sculptor Liviu Mocan's installation, titled invitation/decalogue. Mocan's work features ten gold fingers made from fiberglass--around 16 feet high--and they curve inward, as though they were attached to two cupped hands.

The installation is Mocan's realization of a concept that visited him 17 years ago: "God, the creator of (the) human body and the human moral, gave us 10 fingers and 10 Commandments," he said. Invitation/decalogue is a piece that unites the concepts of mercy and judgment.

Fuentes hopes to bring those concepts together in the music he created for Mocan's sculpture, which he has been working on since last May. The composition, written for brass and percussion, refers to both Exodus 19, where God delivers the 10 Commandments to the children of Israel, and Psalm 19, where David asks for cleansing.

The Calvin Community Symphony, an 11-member brass group from Western Michigan University and a group of Caledonia-based high school percussionists named Strike, make up the ensemble.

For more info, contact David Fuentes at 616-258-9553.

Received on Fri Sep 24 13:49:58 2010

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