Calvin College is pleased to announce a new partnership with Young Life.
Within the partnership, Young Life will offer the services of area director Eric Kuiper to support Christian leadership development, to assist in exposing high school students to the opportunities for and the benefits of Christian higher education, and to participate in research on the relationship of church and parachurch organizations.
In return, Calvin College will provide Young Life with access to facilities and services on the Knollcrest campus and opportunities for involvement in selected campus programs and events.
"This is a natural partnership of like-minded organizations which are invested in the spiritual growth of young people," said Chris Theule-VanDam, director of the Western Great Lakes Region of Young Life. "So many Calvin students and alumni have been active in Young Life for so many years, it is a pleasure to see this formally recognized."
"The interface between local congregations and parachurch organizations like Young Life is increasingly important and dynamic," said Todd Cioffi, assistant professor of Congregational and Ministry Studies at Calvin College and research scholar at the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship. "We hope to explore and develop models of cooperation that can build the spiritual vitality of the entire community."
Calvin College also announces the establishment of the Young Life Leadership Scholarship program, which will offer $1,000 scholarships to high school students who have participated in a Young Life summer camp "work crew" and/or the YL Student Leadership Project. (Details are available from the Calvin Financial Aid Office).
For more information about the partnership, contact
Todd Cioffi
Chris Theule-VanDam
Received on Fri Aug 20 09:58:23 2010
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