Summary: Wayne Patterson, the recipient of four Fulbright Fellowships, will speak at Calvin's annual Korean Lecture Series on Monday, March 29 and Tuesday, March 30, 2010.
This year's Korean Lecture Series will feature Wayne Patterson, visiting professor at UC-Berkeley and four-time Fulbright fellow.
Patterson, who specializes in the history of East Asia, will speak on Monday, March 29, in a lecture titled "The Beginning of the Korean Immigration to the U.S." On Tuesday, March 30, he'll speak on "The Chinese Attempt to Dominate Korea in the Late 1800s." Both lectures will be held at 3:30 p.m. in the college's Meeter Center Lecture Hall.
Patterson earned a master's degree in History and a master's and doctorate in international relations from the University of Pennsylvania. He has also authored or edited a dozen books on modern Korea and Japan and has taught or attended universities in Taiwan, Japan and Korea.
The Korean Lecture Series is made possible through the support of All Nations Christian Reformed Church in Los Angeles. The lectures are co-sponsored by Calvin's Hubers Asian Studies Program and the college's Nagel Institute for the Study of World Christianity.
Calvin is the only Christian college that offers four continuous years of language study in either Chinese or Japanese.
Matt Kucinski
Media Relations Manager
Calvin College
616.526.8935 (office)
616.307.7429 (cell)
Received on Tue Mar 23 10:17:16 2010
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