The Grand Rapids Bach Festival comes to Calvin's campus starting this weekend. Five festival events are at Calvin beginning Saturday, April 18. They include a number of sessions with renowned organ and harpsichord soloist Masaaki Suzuki.
A recent appointee as Artist-in-Residence at the Yale Institute of Sacred Music, Suzuki has won an enviable reputation for his interpretation of Bach's cantatas and major keyboard works. He has given organ concerts across Japan and Europe. Suzuki teaches organ and harpsichord at Tokyo University of Fine Arts and Music and is the musical director of the Bach Collegium Japan.
Upcoming musical events at Calvin
Saturday, April 18: Calvin Oratorio Society, Fine Arts Center, 8 p.m.
Monday, April 20: Masaaki Suzuki, organ, Chapel, 8 p.m.
Tuesday, April 21: An Organ Master Class with Masaaki Suzuki, Chapel, 4-6 p.m.
Wednesday, April 22: A Conversation with Masaaki Suzuki and John Witvliet, Meeter Center Lecture Hall, 3:30 p.m.
Sunday, April 26: Closing Festival Worship Service, Chapel, 7:30 p.m. (with closing reception)
Tickets are on sale at the Calvin Box Office, 616-526-6282. For more information on the 13-day Grand Rapids Bach Festival, which opened April 14, see
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