Calvin conference attracts national audience!

From: Matthew Kucinski <>
Date: Wed Feb 04 2009 - 09:45:12 EST

Calvin conference attracts national audience

The fourth annual Faith and International Development Conference will be held
at Calvin College on Thursday through Saturday, February 5-7. In 2008, more
than 500 students from 57 colleges and universities across the United States
and Canada gathered at Calvin, eager to learn more about international
development and to network with representatives from development organizations
and with student leaders. This year the conference will once again invite
students to explore issues of development, including: health, peace building,
economics, environmental care and community development.

The theme for this year's conference is “Partnership: United in Service.”
The event will highlight the relationships between communities, churches,
businesses, NGOs, and governments in the Global North and the Global South.
Drawing on I Corinthians 12, participants will consider what it means to be
part of the global body of Christ and form strong relationships in development

The conference features representatives from more than 15 development
organizations, including CRWRC, World Vision, Partners Worldwide, and Food for
the Hungry. These representatives will share their own experiences in
development during breakout sessions, lunchtime conversations, and informal
discussions around organization display tables.

In addition to interacting with agency representatives, students will hear
from four plenary speakers who will address the theme of partnership drawing on
years of development work in local and international NGOs, mission
organizations, and intergovernmental institutions.

For more information visit the conference website at:

Matt Kucinski
Media Relations Manager
Calvin College
616.526.8935 (office)
616.307.7429 (cell)
Received on Wed Feb 4 09:45:38 2009

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