Calvin's Entrada To Celebrate 20 years

From: Phil de Haan <>
Date: Tue Jul 10 2007 - 09:40:33 EDT

July 10, 2007 == MEDIA ADVISORY

Full story see

A special celebration will take place on the campus of Calvin College at 3:30 p.m on Wednesday, July 11 as Entrada turns 20.

Spanish for "entrance" or "gateway," Entrada immerses high school junior and senior students of color in a college experience whose core is academic excellence. This year's version of Entrada has drawn a record-number 76 scholars from all over the country.

"A lot has transpired in 20 years," says Rhae-Ann Booker, Calvin director of Pre-College Programs. "Entrada began as a six-week simulated college experience for 10 to 15 students and has evolved to a four-week authentic college experience. This year, we not only had record enrollment, we had a record number of applicants. We have a lot to celebrate."

Calvin's Tasha Paul, assistant director of Pre-College Programs and Entrada coordinator, says the July 11 birthday celebration will be modest -- cake and punch with a brief program -- but adds that it is important to pause to mark two decades of the program.

"The theme of the celebration," she says "is "20 years of Entrada: We've come this far by faith."

The program for the celebration will consist of some welcoming remarks, history of the program, a reflection by a student who participated in the early years of Entrada, some type of presentation by the current scholars and a song.

Ninety-six percent of Entrada scholars graduate from high school and go on to college. Of the 552 students who have completed Entrada since 1991, 249 of them have enrolled at Calvin.

"It's a life-changing time," says Paul.

Contact Paul at 616-526-6888

Received on Tue Jul 10 09:40:49 2007

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