April 24, 2007 == MEDIA ADVISORY
Summary: An award-winning show produced at Calvin College and aired on WGVU
TV will shift timeslots on April 29 with an episode spotlighting the January
Series and director emeritus June Hamersma.
Full story see http://www.calvin.edu/news/releases/2006-07/inner-compass.htm
Inner Compass, the award-winning televison show shot on the Calvin College
campus, is moving to a new timeslot and the first show to air then will feature
former January Series director June Hamersma.
Inner Compass airs in Grand Rapids on WGVU TV, the area's PBS affiliate. It
will shift to a 1 pm timeslot beginning on April 29 and the first episode in
that new timeslot will take viewers on an inside tour of the January Series,
probably the area's best-known and best-attended lecture series.
Jazmyne Fuentes, producer of Inner Compass, says Inner Compass has been airing
weekly throughout southwest Michigan on local PBS station WGVU-TV since 2000.
The half-hour interview show focuses on how people make their decisions about
ethical, religious, and social justice issues. Guests include authors,
activists, religious leaders, and other engaging thinkers from around the
world, as well as active members of the western Michigan community.
Recent topics have included supporting local businesses, West Michigan race
relations, and suburban Christianity. Upcoming episodes will cover such topics
as mothering a soldier (May 13) and prisoners re-entering society (May 20).
Fuentes says the January Series and Inner Compass share some similar traits.
"Inner Compass is unique in its engaging dialogue with people of all and no
faiths," she says. "Without asking beforehand about guests’ religious
background, the hosts explore the beliefs and values of guests regarding the
topic they care deeply about. This open invitation for philosophical engagement
has also been a favorite aspect of the January Series."
Indeed, in her interview with Inner Compass host Shirley Hoogstra, Hamersma
says simply: "I wanted to bring the very best speakers or performers for the
community, for one hour, to maybe listen to something they didn’t agree with
or hadn’t thought about."
As for Hamersma's special trick for luring lecturers of the highest caliber to
West Michigan? For that, says Fuentes, you’ll have to watch the episode.
Received on Tue Apr 24 10:28:42 2007
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