Calvin Celebrates Students at Honors Convocation

From: Phil de Haan <>
Date: Wed Apr 11 2007 - 09:14:30 EDT

April 11, 2007 == MEDIA ADVISORY

SUMMARY: Calvin College will celebrate 55 honors graduates and numerous
dean's list students on April 18 at 7:30 pm with its 52nd annual Honors

Full story see

Calvin will hold its 52nd Honors Convocation at 7:30 p.m. on April 18 in the
Fine Arts Center. A reception in the Commons Dining Hall will follow the

The occasion celebrates not only the 55 students who are graduating with
honors in one or more subject, but also this year's numerous Dean’s List
honorees, 115 of whom have figured on the list every year of their Calvin

This year, for the first time, one of the seniors receiving a gold medallion
as an honors grad, will be wearing it for honoring in three subjects.

The triple honoree is Kory Plockmeyer, a Holland native and Holland Christian
graduate who earned the distinction in classical studies, Greek and Latin.

Plockmeyer, who also is president of Calvin’s Classics Club, earned honors
for a wealth of extra work, including reading little-known Greek and Roman
authors, adding an additional 10- to 15-page paper to each course and even
translating a chapter of Lord of the Rings into Latin.

He says it was worth it.

“I really enjoyed the research I’ve done,” Plockmeyer says. “I’ve
found that honors work has prepared me well for the work I’ll be doing in
graduate school.”

In fact, he says that while checking out grad programs, he learned that he has
already read many of the authors as an honors graduate of the Calvin classics
department that he will be required to read as a graduate student.

“It’s truly a testament to how wonderful a Calvin education is,” says
Plockmeyer, who will pursue his classics PhD at Florida State University.

Ken Bratt, professor of classical languages and director of the honors
program, says Plockmeyer has the right idea about honors work at Calvin.

“The honor is not the point,” he says. “The point is deepening your work
in discipline and strengthening your relationships with professors and

Contact Ken Bratt at 616-526-6296

Received on Wed Apr 11 09:14:48 2007

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